Just In
for 50 Ways to Annoy Murtagh

12/4/2009 c1 1pinkkea
This is absolutely hilarious. I lol'd my way through the list. (The hiding Zar'roc in the bathroom part was...made of win) :D
12/4/2009 c1 13Tabitha of MoonAurora
I especially love #21 and #46
11/29/2009 c3 tameera
please update!this is awesome!(I like galby's best!)
11/27/2009 c3 4FlameWing41
Ooh, yeah. Do Brom! Great job again. At first i wasn't sure if it was going to be as good, but then you got me again. Good.
11/27/2009 c2 FlameWing41
That was pretty good. I'll have to show my friend if i get a chance. Checking out the next one.
11/26/2009 c1 3littlehappymomo123
SO FUNNY! I practically fell from the chair because of my laughing!
11/25/2009 c3 3VioletFox127
Awesome. I almost wish these characters were real, so I could do all these things to them.
11/22/2009 c3 10ancientgreekfreak
do 1 4 arya, 2!
11/15/2009 c3 2WereCat the Assassino
OMG! You shoulda said pimp Thorn. My sister doesn't know what pimping is and whenever I started laughing she just stared.
11/14/2009 c3 6The Dust In Dreams
*gasps for breath* That... Was.. Hilarious!

Loved "Murtagh...I am your father." and setting Zar'roc on fire -classic!

Write more!
11/12/2009 c3 1In Awe Of Fire
I love these. THe Galby one was my favorite so far. Keep it up, please!

11/11/2009 c3 7OverLordy
-dies laughing- OMG OMG OMG! !
11/11/2009 c2 xJellyMonsterx
lol xD This was funny!

Please make another one ? : )

Could you make one with Durza after you have made that with Eragon? :D

Keep going, this was great ;D
11/10/2009 c2 moonbeam
LMBO! this one is funny too.
11/10/2009 c1 moonbeam
haha! it is funny. i like number 45 because christoper paolini actually based his books on the starwars movies about luke skywalker
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