Just In
for Remembrance

11/26/2012 c1
That was beautiful :')
11/22/2009 c1 17shaniatwains
Lol we're all just gonna pull our black hoods

over our heads, look you straight in the eye

& say in a spooky, creepy voice. "Join Us."

Over & over & over, because we all know you

have something brilliant up your sleeve ;)

{ and you better know what I'm talking about, haha }
11/6/2009 c1 12vsvigilante
Hey Cat-what a wonderful one shot-you really need to continue with this-
11/6/2009 c1 7Scarlett Jaimie
Listen CeeJay, I am not happy with you. Not happy at all! We have been telling you to write your own GWTW fic for some time now. And then you give me this short thingy on a subject I do not know nothing about?

Yes, I am highly disappointed. ;-) You better make it up to us, so that we can leave you the same kinds of constructive reviews that you always grace us with; only fair, right?

OK, get to work, GWTW colleague. I know from your posts at yahoo that you have plenty of ideas (a complete book, I believe?) I look forward to reading the result.
11/5/2009 c1 6DreamGWTW
This is going to be a boring review seeing as I haven't a clue what is going on because I've never seen this movie (it is a movie right?), but I so wanted to review this for you ;)I think your story is good, and if I knew what was going on, I would definitely want to read more from you.

Oh and no mistakes lol... that is so not shocking ;)

Sara :)
11/5/2009 c1 firefly123
I like your story. I hope you will continue with it. I also hope V returns to Evey. Post more?
11/5/2009 c1 8ARoseWithThorns
A nice little vignette! I wondered if someone was going to do something in honor of Guy Fawkes Day. I should update my own story, I've just been too swamped with school and work. Thanks for this little respite! I'd be interested in the back story as to how and when she got pregnant. Hope you continue!
11/5/2009 c1 18CaptScarlett
Ha! Finally, she joins the fray! Scary, huh! :P

And I am very disappointed to say, CJ... not a spelling boo boo in sight. And trust me I looked, lol. I could always criticise your excessive use of comma's and ellipses, but well, I'm not going to! :D

Wrt to the story itself, nice little fic, even if I know nothing about V for Vendetta. Of course after this little warm-up I will expect bigger and better things from you in the appropriate fandom in the not too distant future. ;D

We'll all be waiting...

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