Just In
for What Shadows May Come

2/1/2012 c4 9abfirechick
I think you portrayed Neil and Christy very well. It was a surprise to have Miss Ida from the mission and Birdseye Taylor together, that's different! Opal and David? Do you mean her husband Tom or that in this Christy universe the David from the mission?
2/1/2012 c2 abfirechick
I am enjoying it thus far very much but the question I have is why would Christy give up being the school teacher? She wouldn't have to live at the mission to be the teacher?
3/11/2010 c4 6TheGallifreyanAtheist
will you be finishing this story?it is really good
12/19/2009 c4 4ixistargirl89ixi
I've read all chapters tonight and they all are great! I love them! Please update soon!
12/4/2009 c4 Angelatil
aw I love this chapter! I love how well Neil can read Christy. He really does love her doesn't he?

It will be interesting to see what Christy embarks on next! I just hope Neil is there with her every step of the way!

Also loved it when he carried her to bed hehe.

Please udpate asap!
11/28/2009 c3 GoodReader 711
Aww. Neil is such a good husband. I look forward to your next installment.
11/23/2009 c3 Angelatil
aw that is so sweet of Neil! Poor Christy! I love that Neil is going to help her. oh can you do some more romance scenes? I love them

Great story and please update asap!
11/13/2009 c1 1bgm76
“I am hungry but I can wait. There's another hunger that needs to be taken care of first.” He pulled me back into his arms, kissing me soundly. I realized that I was hungry as well.

I just love that! I'm so glad you're continuing the story of Neil and Christy now that they are married. I can't wait to find out more about what happens to them and the rest of our Cove family!
11/10/2009 c2 Angelatil
aw this story is great! great chapter! I love the horse...I wonder what she will name it?

lol also loved that they fought already! to me that is one of the sparks of their relationship that is for sure. And also the tenderness Neil has for Christy.

I hope you update again asap! :)
11/9/2009 c1 Snarky Redhead
Love it! Can't wait to see what Christy has up her sleeve!
11/6/2009 c1 jmpill32
Good start to the sequel. Keep writing.

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