Just In
for Confessions

7/7/2012 c1 Guest
Make itt a full fledge story! but it is a great lemon!
5/30/2011 c1 Mia
great story. lol
9/20/2010 c1 SexyMalMal
Great Story!
6/13/2010 c1 xXSatoshiHellsingXx
i just had an orgasm. GREAT STORY!
6/13/2010 c3 Draconeedslovingtoo
i really liked this
3/28/2010 c1 luvsBlckWtr
Nice =] I need a cold shower ;]
1/30/2010 c1 Scarlett Clearwater
loved it ! please .. write another chapter !
1/9/2010 c3 4Vani88
*lol* you're really lucky... you mentioned the vid on youtube... do you happen to have the link of it ?
1/5/2010 c1 nemo99
awsome great start i loved it *awsome*
1/3/2010 c1 beary
Great Story (;
12/27/2009 c1 11chelley0207
I loved it!

I wonder what she's going to say after learning what he had to say!
12/18/2009 c3 Jacobs girl
3 the 1-shot on my way to the full atory
11/16/2009 c1 wolfguy
I don't even like Twilight and this is hot. Wolves do it best! Thanks.
11/15/2009 c3 46Kei Jones
OMG! You are SO lucky! I'd just start crying and screaming if I met Alex Meraz. I'm so excited and jealous all at one time! Can't believe that! I need to call my girlfriend down there and see if she went. Man...I HATE OHIO! They ain't comin' to Ohio. =( Heartland my eye.
11/13/2009 c2 3xmukax
yeah! i loved it! it'd be amazing if you continue :)
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