Just In
for The aftermath

3/3/2010 c25 80Shekiah Rosay
Oh! I really like this story. ^^ I kind of like the changes you've made in Oro's character... they work!

Keep it up! :)
2/8/2010 c25 81Ryunn Kazan

Keep it up

2/7/2010 c25 9thegriffin88
"Oh no he did-int!"

I'd say that was OoC but it's too damn funny.

Definitely something Baldwin would say in my Oro story. ;)
2/6/2010 c24 thegriffin88
He's just adorable when he's being overprotective. X3
2/6/2010 c24 2AngelQueen13
Kill him, Orochimaru! Go, go, go! XD I love how protective of Anko he is in this chapter. ^^
2/5/2010 c23 81Ryunn Kazan
HA HA, Anko is one step away from you Snake Sannin!

Thanks for updateing

1/19/2010 c22 Ryunn Kazan
Hey,update "My Angel" already.

Update soon

1/16/2010 c22 bluedot
those guys in white robes are freaking me out...lmao...
1/14/2010 c22 Ryunn Kazan
What the Heck?

Amazing story. One of a few that dosen't make Orochimaru look like a total Baka.

Update soon

1/12/2010 c22 2AngelQueen13
looks like they've gotten into some trouble ow. :x
1/11/2010 c22 9thegriffin88
Oh how I lurve stomach wounds.
1/7/2010 c21 2AngelQueen13
aw! Jealous Orochimaru is just the cutest image ever! XD
1/6/2010 c21 9thegriffin88
Coitus interruptus

a.k.a. Just another day over at my house/story
12/30/2009 c20 2AngelQueen13
people just seem to have the most perfect timing, don't they? XD it's always nice to get some hot action from orochimaru though. ;)
12/29/2009 c20 9thegriffin88
C*k block! XD Excellent chapter!
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