Just In
for Distant Love A Snow Rose

4/6/2012 c11 1DoubleEdgedSword99
Once again, this is amazing as ever. I was so happy when you updated- please do it again soon!
3/29/2012 c10 1maylavender
that was so good. update. plz. or is it the last chapter
6/20/2011 c6 maylavender
Yeah, two chapters. Boo those meanies who hurt Grimmy. (attacks meanies), XD PLease update
6/19/2011 c6 7Beyond Birthday Beyond Belief
oh poor grimmy... T.T

this is my FAVORATE book now...almost purey poetic and i can almost visualise everything.


this is truely the best book on this site!
6/14/2011 c6 1icysu22
aaaawww sooooo sad. :(
6/1/2011 c4 1maylavender
XD we finally know her name. when is she going to see Ulquiorra lol please update soon.
5/26/2011 c4 1icysu22
no way is she starting to see him?
4/30/2011 c3 7Beyond Birthday Beyond Belief
oh my realy need to continue this...

best thing ever, sad and angesty.

4/13/2011 c3 1icysu22
aaaawwww poor Ulquiorra.
10/1/2010 c3 1maylavender
loved this chapter, update soon. 333
9/30/2010 c3 16Draco MalfoyGirl 16
Yay you finally updated it's been forever. It wasa great chapter. Please do add the next one soon.
9/21/2010 c1 1maylavender
hey update. this story is good and i want to know what happens. please i can only review this last time because of the policy. plzz, new chapter, short or not, i want to know what happens. ( whine, cry, whine) 33333
7/8/2010 c2 maylavender
update please. are they going to see the girl again.
11/14/2009 c1 16Draco MalfoyGirl 16
Wow this story is great so far. Please do write more soon. Keep up the great work.

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