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7/29/2016 c6 ZNami 4ever
Please continue..iloved it so much
5/3/2016 c6 10shipfiend
I like a good amnesia story. Want to see where this goes:) ...also the lemons. I'm here for the lemons. lol
5/15/2011 c6 23Smash41KMF
Dude, this is the WORST place to end a story!
6/5/2010 c6 Anonymous
Hey are you going to finish this story? I really like it! :)
5/22/2010 c1 6Ninja Chic
This is so good. You need to update this, please, this is th ebest fanfic I've read in a while3
5/19/2010 c6 Anonymous
You should continue this! It's really good! :)
4/3/2010 c6 4LilRedMoon
wow that was so awesome please keep writing!
1/11/2010 c6 86Pum Pumpkin Witch
this is really good 3

i love that he remebers her and that he told her she is important to him

will there be more?
12/29/2009 c6 1InugamiGuru
I love how you set it up. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
12/22/2009 c1 6Smexygecko
dont you just hate that!
12/15/2009 c4 3AlleluiaElizabeth
I was kind of afraid this would be horribly cliche or something with the amnesia, but this latest installment actually really made me look forward to the next update. The selectivity of the amnesia here is intriguing and provides a lot of story possibilities. :D

Also gotta love how Zoro just practically confessed his love for her here. XD All the while unknowing that he'd never told her she was important to him before. And then he finds out and he just looks confused. XD I love it. Zoro without hangups. temporarily anyway. It'll be REAL interesting when he finally gets his memory back and remembers that his reasons for being emotionally constipated.

Although, if his character develops sufficiently, recovering could also *not* effect him much. Maybe this is the start of a whole new Zoro. lol Liek... eventually he'll remember how he used to be about admitting emotion, but by the time he does he'll have reached a point where he doesn't care to be like that anymore. Maybe.

XD See what I mean? Story possibilities. Your fic is giving me plot bunnies 3 chapters in. lol

Ona more technical note, you need to correct your story formatting. There should be a blank line between paragraphs, which you seem to mostly do, and also between sections of dialogue. Right now you have the dialogue crowded together and it makes it physically unpleasant to read. Which is sad b/c this is a good story so far.

Also, always start a new paragraph when you write dialogue. No bits of dialogue in the middle of giant paragraphs of doom like:

Neither of us spoke, and a silence grew around us, not a tense awkward one, but a soft, warm aura, in which we both knew the other had something to say but words couldn’t sum it up right but I tried nonetheless, “So, what did Chopper say about… it?” I asked, unable to bring myself to say his condition.

You should have made the comma after "nonetheless" a period and made the dialogue and description of Zoro following it into their own, new paragraph. Same applies to the other paragraph of doom moments with dialogue embedded in the middle of paragraphs.

You already have a good plot and your characterization, in my opinion, is pretty good so far. Fix these formatting issues and your story will be all the better for it.

Please update soon. :)
12/8/2009 c4 3kazumalova
very good cant wait to see what hapens
12/2/2009 c4 thormac
i love it (i seriously had doubts about the idea that zoro loses his memory but to be honost i like it)
11/14/2009 c1 4Rallah
Handwriting does take alot longer then typing it on the computer doesn't it?

I also wish you goodluck with writing a story with a plot, but from looking at the start, it seems you won't need it.

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