11/18/2017 c29
FanFICTION. The art of what DIDN'T happen.
Too bad. I really liked this story. :/
Oh well, you've moved on with your life.

FanFICTION. The art of what DIDN'T happen.
Too bad. I really liked this story. :/
Oh well, you've moved on with your life.
8/31/2014 c19
Lol! I love the outtake with Tovia saying they're not in the middle of the woods... XD I started snickering when I read that. I forget if i've reviewed any of the previous chapters... If not, I apologize. I blame the inescapable desire to read more that left no time to review :)

Lol! I love the outtake with Tovia saying they're not in the middle of the woods... XD I started snickering when I read that. I forget if i've reviewed any of the previous chapters... If not, I apologize. I blame the inescapable desire to read more that left no time to review :)
11/22/2011 c16
4Lofe Dystopia
What happened to the story that used to be here? It's changed so much! I'd really like it if it went back to when I first found it. How could some little story become such a big project? *sobs* Please, bring it back to the beginning! Doing this kind of thing is exactly what ruined Club Penguin! (sorry, bad reference)
I loved the story before, but I don't anymore.

What happened to the story that used to be here? It's changed so much! I'd really like it if it went back to when I first found it. How could some little story become such a big project? *sobs* Please, bring it back to the beginning! Doing this kind of thing is exactly what ruined Club Penguin! (sorry, bad reference)
I loved the story before, but I don't anymore.
11/20/2011 c28
*happy smile* I enjoyed it. Tovia, you need to try to understand Vaati's /meaning,/ not his /words./
If not owning Skyward Sword was a wound, you updating this would be the painkillers.

*happy smile* I enjoyed it. Tovia, you need to try to understand Vaati's /meaning,/ not his /words./
If not owning Skyward Sword was a wound, you updating this would be the painkillers.
9/20/2011 c26
Vaatis Just Awesome. did you just updated this today? cool! today was my birthday and I get to read a new cool chapter! ^-^

Vaatis Just Awesome. did you just updated this today? cool! today was my birthday and I get to read a new cool chapter! ^-^
9/20/2011 c26 purplegc
@o@ Aww Shad! Ooohh that’s not good. Pff well, I wonder how long that will work? O.o I’m going to enjoy this development, I can tell. XD Pretty funny image, Vaati on a boar. lol
@o@ Aww Shad! Ooohh that’s not good. Pff well, I wonder how long that will work? O.o I’m going to enjoy this development, I can tell. XD Pretty funny image, Vaati on a boar. lol
9/20/2011 c26
Wow, Cassandra, you reeeally know how screw up peoples' lives in humorus ways. This is going to /very/ entertaining...

Wow, Cassandra, you reeeally know how screw up peoples' lives in humorus ways. This is going to /very/ entertaining...
9/20/2011 c26
I seriously just said on my GMail thing that I wondered why the f*** you didn't update on my birthday month.
20 minutes later: FF New Chapter.

I seriously just said on my GMail thing that I wondered why the f*** you didn't update on my birthday month.
20 minutes later: FF New Chapter.
7/31/2011 c25
Do I pity them, or just laugh at their misery...?
The second one is more fun.

Do I pity them, or just laugh at their misery...?
The second one is more fun.
7/27/2011 c25
hahaha do have acount for how many times they all sadi fuck or fucking? o.O 67 by my count! wow! Vaati had quite the colorful language there, it's wearing off on Tovia!

hahaha do have acount for how many times they all sadi fuck or fucking? o.O 67 by my count! wow! Vaati had quite the colorful language there, it's wearing off on Tovia!
7/27/2011 c25
Man, I feel sorry for Vaati. getting his ass handed to him by his dead ex girlfriend... Vaati still likes her? thats so cute! ^-^

Man, I feel sorry for Vaati. getting his ass handed to him by his dead ex girlfriend... Vaati still likes her? thats so cute! ^-^
7/16/2011 c24 purplegc
Finally caught up *whew* I don't know why they don't like Shad XD His personality is so funny it's cute. He's also pretty good-looking! lol Typical Vaati. He's going to get Tovia killed from lack of sleep. Wow. Never knew how fun it is to listen to a drunk conversation. I've only listened to one drunk person ramble on before, not anyone actually conversing... God, that was the most funny thing ever, though.
Finally caught up *whew* I don't know why they don't like Shad XD His personality is so funny it's cute. He's also pretty good-looking! lol Typical Vaati. He's going to get Tovia killed from lack of sleep. Wow. Never knew how fun it is to listen to a drunk conversation. I've only listened to one drunk person ramble on before, not anyone actually conversing... God, that was the most funny thing ever, though.
6/25/2011 c24
awwww the chapters done already? boo LoL! can't wait for next month's update! and may i say, 'good luck Vaati ;)'

awwww the chapters done already? boo LoL! can't wait for next month's update! and may i say, 'good luck Vaati ;)'
6/6/2011 c24
...Tovia's going to freak... More than usual, I mean. I'm seeing three people with hangovers yelling at eachother...

...Tovia's going to freak... More than usual, I mean. I'm seeing three people with hangovers yelling at eachother...