Just In
for You're the one

1/11/2015 c11 Guest
8/2/2014 c11 dhvdnkbabio
Please update!
6/4/2014 c6 2Ibiki's Lover
I like your story so far but Paul's last name is not Walker it's Lahote. I've read some of these kinds of stories and the authors never use Paul's real last name but other than that, great story
6/2/2014 c10 11x XRoweenaJAugustineX x
THis is very kind of rushed. regardless of weather or not Paul and her have some sort of crazy cosmic connection, the fact that he attacked her and pretty much disfigured her body, is one hell of a reason to not ever want to talk to him again, this is not even mentioning the fact that he's a freaky man-wolf. In fact, I would think that the fact that she has such a connection with the one who hurt her, is even more of a reason to abhor his presence, at least for a few weeks.
Also, it's hardly specified how she and Paul have any sort of connection, since all he has been is an emotional ass hat to her and she has continuously rebuffed any sort of advance.
3/17/2014 c11 SissyCabella
Please write more soon!
2/14/2014 c11 wolf-girl-only-in-my-dreams
Keep the updates coming. You can't leave a girl Hanging like that. I need to know what happens next. ยท but I love the story.
2/10/2014 c11 12katie131925
Great story, can't wait for more :)
2/9/2014 c11 Little Misses
Amazing story update soon
1/25/2014 c10 wolf-girl-only-in-my-dreams
Wow! Deff liking this story. I hope you update soon.
1/6/2014 c10 3barrelracer93
Even though it feels a little rushed, I like this story! I just wish you'd show some chapters from Paul's point of view, or maybe elaborate on some chapters? :) wonderful story!
1/6/2014 c1 Guest
Could you update Seth's girl I love that story- and this one!
1/6/2014 c10 Guest
Keep goin!
1/6/2014 c10 Guest
Please please please! I'm begging you with my life here to please write more! Please!
1/6/2014 c8 2JCreader
haha please update:)
1/6/2014 c6 JCreader
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