Just In
for Slipped Confession

4/8/2015 c1 jess.c.kong
I absolutely loved this story! Kakashi's proclamation was so tender and heartwarming; I would melt if I got that kind of confession! Slipped confessions definitely worked in their favor, and I'm so glad because it made for a perfect moment of intimacy. Loved it!
9/22/2010 c1 maethebellydancer
This is really thoughtful and makes me smile. Thanks.
6/14/2010 c1 Fire x Ice
Cute story. I love these two together. :)
6/12/2010 c1 deleted1e5283424
Awww! Kakashi's whole "I want" speech was really sweet! (except the perverted bits of course lol)

Really awesome writing ^^
4/10/2010 c1 1Eska Nutri
That was so sweet, it brought me to tears. Utterly gorgeous. Beautiful. Amazing. A gem. I loved it. Thank you for just writing it.
2/22/2010 c1 62InsanitysGenius
cute and very good! =D
2/15/2010 c1 Angel
that was so sweat it was puke inducing lol but it was good
1/20/2010 c1 applee03
I liked very much this one too! :)

Very well written. I like your style.

I hope to read more things written by you, please.
1/6/2010 c1 1InadequatelyME
Aw! This was so cute! And very well written. I loved it :D
1/1/2010 c1 11Funky Bracelet Chick
awwie~ dat was so cute =]]
12/30/2009 c1 23ScissorSheep
wow this was a really cute story i liked it good job!
12/27/2009 c1 mimori101
That was so sweet, great story.
12/15/2009 c1 nekokera
kera: so sweet i wanted to cry

Alison: Wonderful.

Yenmi: it rocks!
12/12/2009 c1 2deviltiger
This was very sweet and adorable.
12/4/2009 c1 lady Alexas
so cute
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