Just In
for As You Wish

11/15/2024 c17 Neapinea
Hahah, Edward claimed to suddenly be all in and want it all, and he got it at the end there
11/15/2024 c4 Neapinea
I honestly hope Bella tells his parents or something, I want Edward to suffer for the way he has been treating her and the baby. What can I say? I like to see bad guys suffer
9/25/2024 c23 2Liz 1974
I'm very happy I found this again i gad lost it bc dummy me forgot to save it
9/25/2024 c47 KatHat4
I have been wondering why Mel wasn't arrested for kidnapping and child endangerment of Riley a few months ago and put through a trial? That was a criminal act to break and enter and remove the child from her home, and subject her to that nasty, deadly situation. Even if she is the biological mother, she had no custodial rights, plus with all the drugs, she was certainly guilty. Even though she didn't shoot anyone, she was an accessory. A couple months in rehab isn't even a slap on the wrist.
9/21/2024 c47 Mom23xx
Hope to see the epi and some outtakes!
9/21/2024 c33 KatHat4
I know I'm late to the party on your fic, but I have some questions:
1. High School Football season in the U.S. runs between August and the end of October, maybe into November if they make the playoffs. So I've been wondering for several chapters, why are these guys playing football at the end of the school year before summer vacation?
2. I know prom is at the end of the year, but here in the U.S. it is not held in honor of the football team and cheerleaders. What you were talking about is more like the football end-of-the-season sports banquet, which is held in the fall at the season, no formal attire. I assume there are seniors on the football team, so wouldn't this be a Jr.-Sr. prom?
9/21/2024 c47 angeleyes73
I love this story. Please update soon.
8/23/2024 c3 Guest
Why did she faint? Why was Edward dizzy?
7/11/2024 c47 flecour
Great story all the way through
7/3/2024 c47 1Nikkolet
I re-found this story! Great story! hope you're able to do a final wrap for these characters!
5/6/2024 c47 karen4honor
And now I'm so caught up! Excellent full circle so far! Thank you again for sharing!
4/25/2024 c47 Guest
Hope you will have a time to finish this story
3/22/2024 c47 Guest
need to read this from the start .. don't remember a lot ...
3/17/2024 c47 AbK
Thank you for great read, I would love to see them into their 30s please abk
3/16/2024 c23 Guest
End of school year football game? Football isn’t played in the spring…or the summer for that matter. It’s a fall sport in every US school. Then you have boys Basketball and in the Spring (the end of the school year) is Baseball/softball, as well as Soccer and Track and Field meets. But not Football.
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