Just In
for I Want to be DORA!

12/21/2009 c1 4PonandZi
Wow... Just wow. Funny? Yes. Nutty? Heck yes.
12/21/2009 c1 Unknown
That was funny in an odd, weird, and somehow creepy way. I liked how you had Alice jump in, yet I think it would be funnier if you had one of the calmer or older characters, like Carlisle or charlie jump in. Either way it was still hilarious because of how that seems like that's something the characters would do.
12/21/2009 c1 danniibabe
lmao this was funny and cute i love emmett and it was so funny when he started pouting at the end lol
12/21/2009 c1 Jaspers-baby-girl
haha that was soo funny

i could so imagine alice doing something like that

love it 3

you should write more one-shots like this
12/21/2009 c1 savvi
lol but jazz shudda been in da suit
12/21/2009 c1 beckystrawberry
...I didn't even grin. Try something less cliche and actually funny.

12/20/2009 c1 5LivingInThePast1901
that was so funny and i loved it please do more! PLEASE!
12/20/2009 c1 2Iris Cullen 13

Thsi sis the funniest one shot I have EVER read :)
12/20/2009 c1 1antiprincess102
that was funny! this really help me get out of my suckish mood. and my sister almost peed on her pants
12/19/2009 c1 sgvn
How did Alice get dragged into it?
12/19/2009 c1 1Foxyvixen17
lol i loved it! funny stuff hun!
12/19/2009 c1 Avery
aw its cute, i love it- made me laugh :)
12/19/2009 c1 h
hahaha this was retrded but still funny alice always catches u by surprise!
12/19/2009 c1 reviewer of all storys
your right this is so retated but awsome and cool at the same time
12/19/2009 c1 CatherineTwilighter
This made me smile :D
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