Just In
for Humorous DMC Tales

4/27/2018 c1 Guest
Omg this is soooo funny. Lmao
9/3/2013 c1 DementoFantasy
4/17/2013 c17 7Rebeldynasty
Lol, Dante's first impalement upon Rebellion. Continues for years afterward. XD The poor guy was just fated to get hurt, wasn't he?
4/17/2013 c16 Rebeldynasty
Lol, damn you Capcom, and your plot holes!

I didn't mind the fact that the game (and anime) go in the order of 3, 1, anime, 4, and 2...except, well, they didn't cover all bases. And looking at DMC 4 Dante...well, he seems to be the most mature form of Dante; like he's achieved mental and physical perfection (well...mental may have been used loosely, lol).
4/17/2013 c15 Rebeldynasty
Lmao! If Dante was ever to have a memoir of his time in Fortuna, this would be it!

I love his assessments of Nero (lol, noob) and how, despite having to endure the beatings (that is a lot of self-control, not triggering while being pounded like that!) he actually liked the kid.

I also love how he said he's not used to damsels in distress; it's true. I think Patty was the closest thing to that, and even she came through, in the end.

I thought about that, too. I think the reason Trish ended up giving them the sword Sparda was because she had no idea about Nero (something Sanctus said to her when she and Dante showed up after Mission 11).

Anyway, this was hilarious.
4/17/2013 c14 Rebeldynasty
Lol, time travel! Why didn't I think of that?! They just can't win... XD Though I'm willing to bet they'll do okay against a T-Rex...well,
4/17/2013 c13 Rebeldynasty
Lol, awww. I was hoping it would have gone more in-depth into the world of the anime. Even still, this was amusing.
4/17/2013 c12 Rebeldynasty
Lol, poor Sparda. Between a drunken Dante and Nero, a little girl trying to set him up on a date, and a ghost Vergil, no wonder he decided to return to the Demon World. :P
4/16/2013 c11 Rebeldynasty
Lol, a slightly older Dante flavour to this journal entry, since he is getting somewhat older...but still, so much the same. Dante never truly changes. At least, not the original Dante. ;)

Lol, I just have to see what the entry for DMC4 is like (my personal fav of the DMC games).
4/16/2013 c10 Rebeldynasty
This was a hilarious look into a young Dante's psyche. That, and it condensed the plot A LOT. The scariest part is, young Dante probably "would" talk like this, throughout an entire diary entry. XD
4/16/2013 c9 Rebeldynasty
Dante has no luck at all, does he? A woman steals his clothing and everything else, he can't do a job right to save his

I guess he and Nero are in for a rough time, what with Earth being gone, and all. Unless they come across a genie and can wish it back. *Smirk*
4/16/2013 c8 Rebeldynasty
Lol, I love how they're in the Elder Scrolls world...something tells me they'll end up leaving this place, just like the last planet...
4/16/2013 c7 Rebeldynasty
LMAO! I laughed so hard, when Nero and Dante were trying to best each other with the whole "uncle" thing.

Love how Dante rephrased it...with some "gentle prodding". :P
4/16/2013 c6 Rebeldynasty
This was both terrifying, and hilarious. I kept picturing the "Overly Attached girlfriend" chick that you see in all those memes (she has a youtube account, too).

Good call, Dante; after all, he did acknowledge some humans are worse than demons...that girl fit the bill. O_O
4/16/2013 c5 Rebeldynasty
Awww. That was kind of cute. :) So, Dante intentionally made Patty mad, so he wouldn't have to endure her getting all mushy on him, eh? The half-devil is a genius, lol.

Too bad he didn't get to be debt-free, though. Ouch...
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