Just In
for Rain and Kisses

7/16/2010 c13 5SorrisoD'amore
That was really good I loved it!please continue to write in the future:)
7/16/2010 c13 2WyszLo
Awwww :) It left me all tingly inside.

That was very very sweet. What an adorable ending! I loved it.

7/16/2010 c13 snoupy
short but great and off corse more jonas and more nacy you must write again
7/16/2010 c13 103daisherz365
perfect ending,

short but perfect.

7/15/2010 c12 8Kittykat0989
that was beautiful :') cant believe thats the llast chappie though...nice ending as well :)
7/12/2010 c12 karebear0013
plz continue the story its gret
6/20/2010 c12 jaydedangel69
Thank you for the lovely shout out! I am honored! heehee! :D Great chapter! I don't think the ending was 'rubbish' at all! I do love the ending,but I wouldn't mind a little more! :D Even 1 more chapter,whether long or short,would be wonderful! As I've said before,we'll take what you give us! lol! Hope to read more from you soon,be it more of this one or other works of yours!:) Keep up the great work! Thank you.:)
6/19/2010 c12 4snoupy
great but is this the last chap or their is more update soon
6/19/2010 c12 ollyrin
loved it! and it ties up everything neatly. :)
6/18/2010 c12 MOFhasLeftTheBuilding
Aww! this was such a perfect ending I loved every second !
beautiful writing my friend. Definatly one of your best.
it was very fitting how you ended the story, lovey dovey wouldn't have worked, and the way you did kind of the unrequitted love with a happy ending etched in, it was fabulous!
I was really really impressed, this was an absolute great way to kind of wrap it up.
i think you could do wonders with an epilouge, or another chapter, and also; this last chapter can stand on it's own.

just an awesome job!
thanks for the shout out :]

your friend,
6/18/2010 c12 2WyszLo
Aw, I'm going to miss this story too! And thanks for the little shout out at the end :)

The ending was ADORABLE! I'm so proud of you! This turned out fabulously. I just about died at the end when Nick put his jacket around her shoulders... he was such a sweetheart at the end. I loved it.

I vote for you to continue. At least 1 more chapter! Just show me when Nick catches her and they finally officially get together. This story is perfect as is, but I would love to read more :)

Great job!

6/18/2010 c12 103daisherz365
Awe what a cute ending. I really love this story!
6/18/2010 c11 snoupy
great story plz update soon can't wait to see the next chap keep up the good work and update soon
6/11/2010 c11 jaydedangel69
YAY! An update! lol! I didn't see any mistakes,then again I was too into the chapter to know or care! lol! I do hope you do a least a little after "the kiss",that would be nice. :) I can't wait for an update & to read more! Keep up the great work! Thank you. :)
6/7/2010 c11 daisherz365
Awe this is a sweet story.
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