Just In
for To Be Loved

2/20/2013 c46 1girlinglitter
I just love this story so freaking much, yes love not loved. I am gonna remember it my whole life. That was cheesy. It was just perfect. And brit-ward is sure to be enjoyed ;) I loved that it had all elements in it, fluff, angst, romance, drama and humor. It was mind blowingly awesome! You are indeed a very creative and amazing author. Good work! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story with us. :)
1/31/2013 c38 fireagate
loving it
1/30/2013 c29 fireagate
Awww... great chapter
1/30/2013 c27 fireagate
Loved the date
1/30/2013 c25 fireagate
Your Edward is wonderful to read. I was so angry when people kept interrupting me while I was reading this! Its 4 am but here I am with a coffee haha!
1/30/2013 c22 fireagate
Love this story so so so much! I am already late to work but I cannot stop reading!
1/30/2013 c18 fireagate
Go Edward!
1/29/2013 c14 fireagate
That was just perfect!
1/29/2013 c9 fireagate
Loved it so far. Thanks so much
1/27/2013 c47 1mistorys
I could not stop reading this story, I was just glued to it and was reading it in every spare moment. You are a great writer and made me squeal, laugh and I even teared up at some points. This is my favourite B/E fanfic and I love it. It's one of those stories that when you finally finish you just get this feeling on contentment, it's amazing and I imagine myself re-re-re-reading.
1/13/2013 c14 1dazzledforeternityy
yay! sorry i haven't reviewed before now but this story is so great. not gonna lie, bella & her choices tooootally piss me off but i'm guessing that was your intention :) great story line, great characters, great depth.. great edward ;) can't wait to keep reading! xx
1/12/2013 c11 fthsit
Wow I know that you warned us on the first chapter that Bella is not really the tough kind of girl, but UGH I can't wait till she finally grows a backbone. I can understand that some girls are just not the type to stand up for themselves, but those people really piss me off. It's nothing personal but, honestly. You don't HAVE TO throw a fucking pity party. Just be strong enough of for yourself - for your sake. You can actually do something about it, and not just fucking whine. You're only a victim if you let yourself be a victim.

I'm sorry for the rant but I just had to get that out.
12/23/2012 c47 Guest
This was great. I really liked it.
12/22/2012 c4 darcystwilight
Oh no! I am so sad and disgusted about Carlisle. I am such a fan of a good and supportive Esme/Carlisle team. Ugh...he is just icky.

But, that isn't going to keep me away. I am very interested in this Edward. I am wondering if we will hear more about Tanya. Was it more than cheating? What was so horrible, or did I miss that.

Looking forward to Edward starting school. I am sure some interesting drama will pop up there. :)
12/22/2012 c3 darcystwilight
Ok then...Edward is a little off his adorable rocker. I like that you seem to have made Rosalie so "un-Rosalie" here. She seems sweet and not at all like the diva I am used to reading. That is a nice change. I am curious to learn a lot more about Edward. Seems like he has some demons at work. I am assuming that Esme and Carlisle are still in England and Edward moved to America to get away from them or something there. I hope they are good parents. I would hate a bad Esme and Carlisle too. Ok...onward I go. ;)
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