Just In
for To Be Loved

9/17/2016 c4 jk
Sooo Carlisle is a nasty pedo and should be in fucking jail but everyone in his life enables him? They should call the fucking cops!
all pedos need to fucking die, cut their dicks of, hands off then throw their asses in jail for life!

and Edward...god immature much? So his whore girlfriend what? hes gonna let that ruin his life? STUPID
7/1/2016 c47 J.DRAST
Hello. Awesome story here! I absolutely loved it! I really get into long, detailed, intense stories and this one fit the bill perfectly! Thanks, Suzan Noerr
4/24/2016 c1 1Cullen Strong
Great start! I can't wait to keep reading. :)
3/8/2016 c47 1tweetytweets
Thanks for sharing this amazing story with us ')
2/29/2016 c1 Guest
Wtf why would they just go? If they didn't want kids then given them up as a baby not leave after 20 and 14 years...Maybe we'll find out as I read more?
1/9/2016 c43 kaeeth32
Definitely unforgivable. He should be called in bella's phone : 'That wanker that left you when you were 14'... Pretty good name if i say so myself
1/8/2016 c39 kaeeth32
Ah... The good ol' fashioned schmexin'
1/5/2016 c21 kaeeth32
YES! Gimme some of that champagne, Girl! God, i am so thankful that Jacob Black is on a train towards buh-bye land! Well I guess we could all say "Pip pip Cheerio!" In our most horrible british accents! (Actual british people don't count because, i mean they already have the accent but... Oh what the hell! Come on British people! Say it out loud! "Pip pip Cheerio!")
1/4/2016 c16 kaeeth32
That parting word tho. Is there a real book like that? I want one!
1/4/2016 c15 kaeeth32
Yes! I am proud of you sister! No to (dang it! Can't find a British word for sex) sex with Jacob. Yes to Edward's leather chucks
1/4/2016 c14 kaeeth32
Aw bollocks! (you got me addicted to brit. Slang!) i thought there was gonna be some kissin'! Damn. But I guess friendship is square five for these two.
1/4/2016 c13 kaeeth32
You better keep that promise of square five. *me trying to look intimidating*
1/4/2016 c12 kaeeth32
Bloody hell! Why cant you murder Jacob "Wanker" Black already? Let him die on a car crash with all his bloody friends! Then make our eddie-boy ditch Lauren "The Bimbo" Mallory and comfort Bella "Gutted" Swan! I'm so knackered with Jacob Wanker Black

(Jk i'm not english. You can bet that I searched these brit-ty words ;)
P.S i do mean all of these.
12/1/2015 c47 2Comrade'sRoza
7/10/2015 c47 myhubbyissoedward
Great story love the ups and downs? Sad to see it end!
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