Just In
for Kelly Gibbs, Guardian Angel Extraordinaire

9/30/2017 c2 Netchka
Angel Kelly to the rescue! Poor Kelly. Looking after her siblings is a full time job. Really looking forward to finding out what happens next.
11/3/2012 c1 50Audrey Lynne
OMG, that was so sweet. Angel Kelly, indeed.
6/11/2010 c2 5IndiAcidSnake
Gibby, i am sooo sorry i havent read this sooner...u no how busy i have been...i only just have time to read DSG. any who...THAT WAS SOOOOOO CUTE! i am like majorly becoming a bucket of mush! i hope you do write more Gibby! have a great summer!

Love NCISchick xoxoxxooxoxox
5/22/2010 c2 3Stephanie-MS
you know while reading this story I cant help but wonder...what would happen if Kelly was still alive. Like would Gibbs still marry Jenny even though he had two daughters? type of thing.
1/14/2010 c2 3JonasBROgirl8816
updarte soon!
1/7/2010 c2 NCIS Lover
very cute. i wish i had known about it before.
1/5/2010 c2 3MaileS
This story is so cute. i love the idea of kelly watching over her baby sister.
12/21/2009 c2 konfsn
love it the answer to ur question is 905 wild
12/20/2009 c2 14bethchilds34
vveerryy cute dude. u dont disappoint :) u seriously broke ur wrist skating in the 6th grade? has any1 ever told u that ur extremely accident prone? cause, if they havent, im tell u now... wow, smart move... (sigh) ahahaahaahaha, other than that, luved it! especially the end, i luv when jj tells abby an angel tole him kate was goona b ok, it was adorable! great job and update soon!
12/20/2009 c1 2Pliffy
I got an ideal how about follow the stores in daddy's sweetest girl but on Kelly side?
12/17/2009 c1 NCIS lover
this is so good just like Daddy's Sweetest Gift!

Post more soon!

You have an awesome writing style
12/15/2009 c1 5polarpi
Definitely want to see Kelly's side of Kate's life :) Love this first chapter!
12/14/2009 c1 45L.Hawk
I loved it and I defiantly think you should continue. I can't wait to read more.
12/14/2009 c1 14bethchilds34
oh that was like really sad and really good at the same time! this sint the first chapter you've written that has made me want to cry! why do u do this to me? you're killing me! great jpb and write more soon!

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