Just In
for Bitter

3/5/2016 c1 Saggit
One of the very best angst-ridden, suicide-driven pieces of Ranma fanfiction. None of the usual teenage BS, oh woe is me, but a tragedy very much character-driven, which none the less manages a few surprises by the way its people act. And Ryoga's final act seems not just desperate, but perfectly in keeping with where he is following Akane's actions, in part under Nabiki's anger, and Ranma's forbearance.

Great stuff.
6/7/2014 c1 shugokage
This is an incredible and amazing story which definitely makes you think afterwards!
10/14/2013 c1 48zabani-chan
I cried the whole way through. *sobs*
8/10/2011 c1 soulfire524
I get the purpose of the fanfic and i guess you could consider it well writen but I really don't like it. I've been more of a fan to the Ranma and Akane pairing ,though I'll always try to look at another persons perspective. I felt really bad for Ryoga but I think Akane's character was one of the ones that had been twisted the most. Whether or not its suppose to be a darker version of what could've happended, Akane has displayed that she has a very large conscious and I do not see her as being one of the ones to forget or move on . She would have beared just as mich guilt on her shoulders had she commited such an act as Ranma had for not stopping her,if not more.( consiering how often she risks her life for others, similar to Ranma, it would supried me if she had taken her own life or stopped eating and caring for her health till she would almost whither away unless someone intervened) I'm sorry but even though this story seemed well layed out it seem to be more focused belittling Akane's character as well as Nabiki's, though Nabiki, unlike Akane, has shown that she will deliberately act cruely to others and many times is only out to benefit herself. I've can't really agree with Ranam and Ukyou closeness at the end.

Usually in an attempt to understand other peoples perspectives (and feelings for certain characters) I ofter find that people have come to a conclusion toward a particular character either by comparing them to another anime/manga (which i can honestly say was not the case for me. I was greatly skeptical at the beginging when I was watching the anime and had to take the time to slowly learn the characters for myself) or sometimes they just look at what the character does and immediately forms a judgement, I've also read from other writers that they had at first liked a character then read what others took of them and changed their mind. And I think , What if all those people based their opinions on what OTHER PEOPLE THOUGHT RATHER THEN THEIR OWN ? Then the only reason he/she disliked them was because of what another person wrote rather than decinding for yourself.

I think the story is good in a way the reader really wants to feel bad for Ryoga but I agree with the other parts. Initially, with a little persauding I might of bought that whoel Akane lettin the anger getting the better of her, but the way she handled things later and especially at the end totally contradicted her true character. I think you might want to do a little more research on each character, especially Akane.

Otherwise the beging was suspeneful enough to atleast get the reader hooked enought to want to know what happens next but after that...

Anyway writting is hard and i respect your work even if i disagree with how certain characters had been portrayed and i wish you luck in your other works in teh future,

1/25/2011 c1 1Mizuno Tenshi2
That was a really dark story. Very well written, and it dredged up some painful thoughts and memories. I think it's very well in character, though at the extremes of it as you said.
4/5/2010 c1 ryogalover
This touched me more than anything else I've ever read. I broke down crying so many times it took me probably an hour longer to read it than it should have. I've never cried so much before. It made me think so much about what some people go through... I don't think I'll ever forget this.
8/12/2009 c1 Alina18
I tend to only read fluff, but that was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Many fics with character death just make me go "well that was lame and depressing." This one, however, was that kind that actually left my chest aching and was fulfilling at the same time. I tip my hat to you, and hope to come across more of your work soon.

With much respect and sincerity,

Alina Scharwyn
3/21/2009 c1 mountainelements
Wow. This story is sad but also kind of "happy" at the end. At least they get to be with Ryouga again. I have to wonder how everyone reacts.
2/12/2008 c1 3kazekagesama23
That was some incredibly powerful writing. You've captured the darker side of Ryoga's character perfectly. Good job.
11/17/2007 c1 6anyahibiki
Great to see you've posted it here, I've read it on your page and I fell in love with it, as well as 'heart of glass' and 'crossing the lines'(when are you gonna finish that one? It's so good!). I'm not much into angst, but I do love your stories. (although I would love a little more of Ryouga/Ukyou action, but that wouldn't fit any of these fics) Thanks for this wonderful story. And it made me cry too. I actually felt the need (as crazy as it sounds) to hug and comfort Ryouga. You really get to the heart, you know... :)
7/1/2007 c1 5hellhound-d.o.w
Simply amazing. Rarely does a story touch me emotionally, but this hit me like a bullet to the chest. Just...amazing. Keep up the good work.
6/15/2007 c1 66Ayumi Elric
Wow...this was such an awesome, pwnful story. It was in fact, the longest fanfic I've ever read, being I have a short attention span and long oneshots/fanfics bother me. But I couldn't stop reading this one. It was that good. Think I'll even be able to reread it.
9/12/2006 c1 tidus621
well, you sure know how to write, but...

come one , they characters are a little out of place and

ryoga did deserved a punishment ( maybe not that one) also the ending did not convince me either.
5/11/2006 c1 Lovova
*sniff* You know...when I first started reading this, I thought it would be a little lame, I thought the idea of Nabiki being so creul and Akane being so strong and any of the charector doing suicide a little too OOC for me...but...


...which is a good thing, but it was right in the middle of class!

You have a great way of telling stories. This is just too awsome for words, great job!
1/29/2006 c1 6Ryo-chan wolfgirl
This story was so sad that everytime I read it I start crying. I liked it though
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