Just In
for The 12 Days of Christmas Rhyming ON HIATUS SORRY!

8/21/2010 c8 ChadDamon
This is soo good please start writing as soon as you can!
3/8/2010 c8 11LittleSuzieQ
It's okay, I can wait...

BTW, I love the Outsiders too! Dally is so hott in it! There was something else I was going to say, but now I forgot...dammit.

I liked when Mary got high on the Red Bull. Personally, I have only had one Red Bull in my entire life, and it tasted nasty! I only had a sip then spit it out, so maybe I didn't get the whole effect of it!

Only thing watch your spelling! And 'balling' is spelled bawling, and it spelled balling could be taken the wrong way by perverted people...
2/28/2010 c8 2BubblegumBrain19
LoL I dont hate you! I know people get busy alot so Im not mad. =). And Channy Ways of Life is an awesome story!
2/27/2010 c8 8soulsearcher1197
Seven swans a swimming can be Devon wants a trimming? Nah... Umm... Everything thats gleaming? Or something to be ringing,

I'll get more ideas later:) don't worry too much about updating, ut I'm really anxious to know what else gonna happen.
1/19/2010 c7 MissNorway1995
I loved it3 Please make anotherone;)
1/16/2010 c7 2That was such an epic fail
aw i hate people... but this story... love it
1/2/2010 c7 8soulsearcher1197
The ideas you have are really good. Do them at the end of this story. And yes, I do like long chapters. And this chapter is long. Thank you. Keep on going. ASAP Unless you don't have the time. I guess. Oh well, just... whatever. Okay. Good. Story. Yes.
12/30/2009 c7 15myjumpingsocks
I think it'd be really cool to do either, maybe even combine them into one story, and just switch back and forth. Just a crazy idea =]

“Mommy, look at the girl with pyjama’s on!” did I notice, I was wearing pyjama’s. I also was right in front of his house, I was going to turn back, but that is when he answered the door, I instantly felt left out, because no one was in pyjama’s in his house like I hoped for. -that was the best line! Oh yes!

Chad's mom seems...interesting. His whole family seems rather dysfuncuntional, and I think it'd be sweet if Sonny invited him over at some point and he was like "So this is what family feels like."

Anywho, keep with it!
12/30/2009 c6 myjumpingsocks
First of all-the shout out! That was the sweetest thing ever, and I'm soo happy that you put that in there! That made me giggle like an idiot!

Ok there was sso many lines I loved from this one, and parts that made laugh pretty hard, but I'll try to get them al here!

OK loved this line:

The person I kind-of-hated-kind-of-going-out-with-have-a-crush-on.

It summed up their "relationship" perfectly!


but quit frankly, talking with Alexandra was like talking to a conceited wall. All she would do is talk about boys, make-up, drama, and Degrassi. I think she has an obsession over that show. It’s not healthy,”

made me laugh

oh and

“Why! Why would we leave! You said you’d watch a movie with us! Why not know! Or do you and Chaddy have plans?” STAY WAY FROM RED BULL PEOPLE! JUST STAY AWAY! I’m sure it was only affecting her this way because she never really let loose. I don’t know, I guess this stuff affects everyone differently.

Of course!

I also liked how jealous her brother got, that was super interesting! I liked Mary geting crazy off Red Bull too, one of my guy friends started dancing with the wall to a Britney Spears song after half of one of thoose! He doesn't handle sugar well...

Showing Chad's house, and his sisters, was something I'd been looking forward to, and I'm super glad you did that! I even liked the end, despite it's sadness. It was awesome!
12/29/2009 c7 HCGgurl
cool, i liked it! {snicker snicker.} :] no, really! oh, i like idea 1 but not 2. i live for channy!
12/29/2009 c7 3DannySamLover20
omg! i wanna know wht happens next!
12/25/2009 c6 HCGgurl
oh, no! i luved that the chapter was long. they should all be that long, or longer!
12/25/2009 c6 4Rita.Marie
Good Chapt. Update AsaP
12/25/2009 c6 1Open Eyes Lost Mind

this is god i like it write more plz =)
12/24/2009 c5 HCGgurl
OH EM GEE! i luved it, girl! STILL the number 1 fan! merry x mas!
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