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1/18/2010 c3 2JadedOne47
Cool, i like this.. please continue.. it seems like it will be very good. :-)
12/28/2009 c3 VENZwife
Yeah! He loves Bones, and we all KNOW he loved her before the coma dream! I'm just glad those stupid scans aren't a hindrance anymore! I can't wait to see what he does now!
12/28/2009 c3 bb-4ever
good chapter and good results. look forward to more soon
12/27/2009 c2 Kate56
Watch your lack of capital letters, it makes the story difficult to read. I think you need to expand the chapters and give them more meat, it will enhance the story so much.

It is a great idea it just needs more substance.
12/27/2009 c2 VENZwife
Yeah! Booth's feelings are real, and I think he knows it! Yipee! Now what's he gonna do about it? I can't wait to find out! ;-)
12/27/2009 c2 bb-4ever
good chapter, poor booth will sweets help him sort out his feelings? look forward to more soon
12/27/2009 c2 1ShippyChick
I am looking forward to more of this story. I think you have a good handle on the characters. My only criticism is that Sweets name should be capitalized. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.
12/27/2009 c2 13nikstarr
this story is good so far.

12/22/2009 c1 Kalidris
The intro is very short but also very promising and I'm very curious to read what will happen next. And how it will happen :) I hope you'll update soon :)
12/22/2009 c1 VENZwife
Yeah! Great intro so far! Like the concept! Can't wait to read the story as it unfolds. :-)
12/22/2009 c1 4Serienjunkie 91
I really like the beginning of your story - it sounds really interesting. Now I hope that the first real chapter will have a lot more to read. =)
12/21/2009 c1 bb-4ever
sounds like a great fic. can't wait for more soon
12/21/2009 c1 csimesser1
that was good

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