Just In
for Lieutenant Charlie Bartowski

3/13/2015 c2 sobreyra274
I love this story it's so awesome! I love Charlie and Bryce so cute! Can't wait to read more hope you update soon
1/24/2015 c2 meta-twisted
You do realize that Chuck is a nickname for Charles, pretty odd to have a Charlie and a Charles in the same family.
5/23/2011 c2 ggghhhaaarrr67
i love it it is good. you should update.
9/4/2010 c2 4BaDWolF89
i hope that you update sometime in the future!
5/15/2010 c2 1whiteKnight15
Woa! What happens next and why did Chuck leave? Is he angry? Add more soon please!
5/15/2010 c2 12bibleboymary4ever
I like this but I was hoping you could explain to me whether Chuck and Charlie are still close? I don't know why she wouldn't know about him and Sarah or the intersect?
5/15/2010 c2 14AllisonSwan
loved it
4/30/2010 c1 3SeaJay28
You're going to update, right? Please do!
4/23/2010 c1 RedHotChillySteppers2008
i love the story and want to know if your typing up more chapters x 3
3/19/2010 c1 hatedlane2000
You're gonna update right? Cause i really wanna know what happens. this was getting good.
2/6/2010 c1 5Salentria
Wow! I really enjoyed this! Hope you update soon!
1/12/2010 c1 Angel029
Great first chapter and can't wait to read the next one.
12/27/2009 c1 14AllisonSwan
loved it!
12/25/2009 c1 12bibleboymary4ever
Love this so far!
12/24/2009 c1 A.D92
I like this story, it's a very good start. I hope to read an update soon.
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