3/13/2015 c2 sobreyra274
I love this story it's so awesome! I love Charlie and Bryce so cute! Can't wait to read more hope you update soon
I love this story it's so awesome! I love Charlie and Bryce so cute! Can't wait to read more hope you update soon
1/24/2015 c2 meta-twisted
You do realize that Chuck is a nickname for Charles, pretty odd to have a Charlie and a Charles in the same family.
You do realize that Chuck is a nickname for Charles, pretty odd to have a Charlie and a Charles in the same family.
5/15/2010 c2
Woa! What happens next and why did Chuck leave? Is he angry? Add more soon please!

Woa! What happens next and why did Chuck leave? Is he angry? Add more soon please!
5/15/2010 c2
I like this but I was hoping you could explain to me whether Chuck and Charlie are still close? I don't know why she wouldn't know about him and Sarah or the intersect?

I like this but I was hoping you could explain to me whether Chuck and Charlie are still close? I don't know why she wouldn't know about him and Sarah or the intersect?
4/23/2010 c1 RedHotChillySteppers2008
i love the story and want to know if your typing up more chapters x 3
i love the story and want to know if your typing up more chapters x 3
3/19/2010 c1 hatedlane2000
You're gonna update right? Cause i really wanna know what happens. this was getting good.
You're gonna update right? Cause i really wanna know what happens. this was getting good.