Just In
for Stone Cold Revenge

11/14/2012 c1 Guest
4/24/2011 c13 IamMoving101
Awesome story! I love it!
3/4/2011 c1 Avakris
This story was from, wasn't it?

I remember hearing the title before. And through reading the description, the OC character was also in the other website's.

This story is very good though :D
2/19/2011 c9 2Cable796
This is awesome! A big X-over of Burton masterpieces!
2/19/2011 c9 Cable796
This is awesome! A big X-over of Burton masterpieces!
11/29/2010 c13 32Blossom Utonium
Loved it will there be a sequal? Seriously, awesome job :)
11/29/2010 c12 Blossom Utonium
Ooooh LOVE IT update soon!
11/28/2010 c13 29Acro111
I like CJ only cause he's a jester. i like jesters. Anyway great story! I can't wait to read the next!
11/25/2010 c12 9CheshireTears
Yay! Happiness all around! ^_^ *spinning around, not so much in a turkey coma as a turkey high* XD Anywayyyyyy, can't wait to read more as usual!

11/25/2010 c12 29Acro111
Hmm. God, no GREAT! I love this story!
11/25/2010 c12 1ScarletReid
You finally updated! Please add more!
8/26/2010 c11 32Blossom Utonium
Aww, Shock :( Poor thing Update soon :D
8/26/2010 c9 Blossom Utonium
Dont let Shock die! D:
8/26/2010 c8 Blossom Utonium
Poor Shock :(
8/26/2010 c7 Blossom Utonium
Woop! Shocks awesome! xD Klondike rules!... WOOF!
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