Just In
for Another Reason We're Not Allowed in Public

12/5/2016 c6 1Arata Meian
Please update. It's getting really good and the story line is pretty good.
5/19/2013 c6 Silver Shadows
OMG I ADORE DOCTOR WHO! Except for the part where they KILLED AMY! Now I will kill THEM! On a completely unrelated note, knowone has seen or heard from any of the writers sice Angels In Manhattan.*grins evilly*.
5/19/2013 c2 SilSha
Aimed at Skylar:
Le gasp! Could I see before me a fellow Luna Lovegood? IM SO GLAD YOURE NOT ALLERGIC TO BUTTERFLIES! *cries with joy*
7/2/2012 c6 15Cookietown
10/24/2010 c6 kitcool
continue please
8/23/2010 c6 1kitcool
please please continue i adore skylar
8/9/2010 c5 3 fries short of a happy meal
Please update soon! Skylar is so funny!
7/12/2010 c6 3TwistedRainbow
I loVe this! Did Skylar pick his pocket when she bumped into him? I think so. Please update!
7/7/2010 c6 3 fries short of a happy meal
This story is super funny! Especially Skylar! Her take on art! Loved it!




Charlotte=Nate(in girl form)



And Owen likes Skylar.


Please update soon!
6/15/2010 c6 1sorcerergirl90
good chapter, cant wait for the longer one!
6/13/2010 c5 MK
I'm enjoying this, especially Skylar and her opinions of art. Please keep posting!
6/11/2010 c5 dj
This is a great story! When are you going to post the next chapter?
5/26/2010 c5 sorcerergirl90
HOLY CRAP! this is freakin' HILARIOUS! I cant wait to read the rest!
2/28/2010 c3 2cresdin
I'm interested now :) I was a little confused with the first chapters, but now that the leverage team has a part I'm curious to see how things pan out...
12/29/2009 c1 139Meatball42
I love all the personality I can feel in this story, I can tell you guys have a lot of energy with which to write these stories! I'm not entirely sure where the Leverage aspect of this fic is, but I'm willing to wait! Looking forward to the next chapter!

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