1/1/2012 c2 melanie.goldsmith
PM me at melanie.goldsmith, i'm not logged in right now, but search me. =]=]=] have a great dayy.
PM me at melanie.goldsmith, i'm not logged in right now, but search me. =]=]=] have a great dayy.
1/1/2012 c2 melanie.goldsmith
hey. nice job! i personally would love you to continue this, but if you want, i maybe can adopt it. =]=]=]
hey. nice job! i personally would love you to continue this, but if you want, i maybe can adopt it. =]=]=]
2/13/2010 c1 The Rain On Your Parade
i can tell its gonna rock! u should so continue! :) i love stories when she has like 5 or 6 older over protective brothers! yay comtinue plz!
i can tell its gonna rock! u should so continue! :) i love stories when she has like 5 or 6 older over protective brothers! yay comtinue plz!
1/29/2010 c1 1bree-OMG-thats-me
Love the plot!
I really think you should keep going!
I think move people will review and read if you keep going!
I nearly didn't read it because it looked to short, and I thought i shouldn't waste my time.
But I did read it, and I think some other people might have that problem as well. (Just what I think)
Plz keep going...
Love the plot!
I really think you should keep going!
I think move people will review and read if you keep going!
I nearly didn't read it because it looked to short, and I thought i shouldn't waste my time.
But I did read it, and I think some other people might have that problem as well. (Just what I think)
Plz keep going...
1/5/2010 c1 ParamoreLovesJoshayley
And try to get as much Alec and Bella in there as you can!
And try to get as much Alec and Bella in there as you can!