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for Like Two Puzzle Pieces

9/23/2013 c1 41miss skinny love
I've played this game- but I used cheats. XD
Lol, the feels. Ratchet and Clank DO need to realise how important they are together...well done in the way you portrayed that! (:

P.S; awesome profile pic... :P
9/19/2011 c1 4jacrispyv
Lovely story! Though I know nothing of this fandom, your story is still very good. Thanks for your review! Keep up the nice work. :D
7/26/2010 c1 15ALICE IT'S RAINing
this does a good job at showing the bond between ratchet and clank, well done

1/4/2010 c1 17Wrenchy
Okay, so I've read through this, and for the most part it's okay. One thing I really recommend is proofreading over your stuff, because I found quite a few grammatical errors littered throughout this oneshot. As well, try not to use transitions that use words. I use "-" when I want to time skip myself.

This is a great start, and I really want to see some more R&C work from you.
1/4/2010 c1 browntiger
Wow. What a beautiful story. I like the details you added like how Ratchet and Clank supplement each other. I love those characters. I'm glad they finally hugged. The last thing Orvus said really hit me hard. Who wants us to do what makes us feel whole? Our own fathers.

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