Just In
for Blood and Roses

6/2/2012 c8 3Dalamis
Nicely written very "in character" speach.
8/9/2010 c8 iluvfringee
Amazing story!
4/22/2010 c8 6wolfwarrior15
So sad it's over. Wouldn't it be cool if there was a sequel? :D

3/11/2010 c8 29kangaleigh
Such a great story! Loved it!
3/10/2010 c8 12JTF2
ya! that was good :):)
3/10/2010 c8 13zeusfluff
Yay! Great ending! I loved it! Thanks for posting such a wonderful story... Now its back to bed before my job interview at 10 a.m.

3/10/2010 c8 17ElleThom
now see that is the way to do it... I loved the part where Olivia gives him a gun. that was awesome and oddly erotic..

Ok yeh i got issues

Hey we got a new site for fringe fic only. We just started like this week

PM me if you want the site...

Its easy to figure out tho lol
3/10/2010 c8 27wjobsessed
Very nice ending to this story. Personally I would have loved a Bolivia kiss, but this is much more canon at thies point I think.

Nice dialogue, and I like how you explained James' previous comments to Peter and what they meant, although, you leave me wondering if you ACTUALLY planted a double meaning there-that James possibly knew that Peter was an "Alt".f that's the case does that mean Peter knows about himself but isn't telling Liv? An interesting possibility you leave us with!

Going to favorites.
3/10/2010 c7 wjobsessed
You get 10,007 bous points for using smirky Sam Weiss, an interesting and very underutilized Fringe character.
3/10/2010 c6 wjobsessed
"She gasped out his name when she recognized the fear in his eyes." Wow. This and the surrounding paragraphs are very well-written.
3/10/2010 c8 cyn23
thank you for a wonderfull story, its good that olivia finally got some answers about her past and stepfather, glad that peter finally got his gun and shooting lessons, that is gonna be good
3/7/2010 c7 Kat Scully
This story is great! :-)

I can SEE the scenes! Please, update soon! CanĀ“t wait for more...!
2/24/2010 c7 13zeusfluff
Yay! Another chapter! I just caught up with chaps 6 and 7 this morning! Thanks again for the update! Can't wait to see where you take chapter 8!


2/23/2010 c7 12JTF2
haha, he makes me laugh. hes totally like my gym teacher, lol. love it adn cant wait till more! :):)
2/23/2010 c7 1killmotion
Brilliant! Sounds exactly like them. Very good characterization Funny. :)
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