Just In
for Surprises Aren't Always Good

8/9/2022 c9 nuruxx99
10/15/2021 c5 Reika88
Are you fucking serious?! I didn’t even finish the chapter before writing this! YOUR OC IS LAME! You made Bella a better character than your OC!
3/20/2020 c20 Faery66
Hope to read more soon.

4/28/2018 c8 shamcaster
God I hate this Paul. She should have cut that fucker's balls off and shove it down her fucking sister's throat until that fucking bitch die painfully inch by inch.
4/18/2018 c14 Guest
Your Character literally spends more time hurt then she does in any other state.
9/1/2017 c21 lexicon63738
Ohhh plleeeeeeaaasssssssseeeeeeeee come back
5/17/2017 c21 2bookaddict19
Hope the stress and pain levels have improved and that you are feeling better. Sometimes a long break from a story is necessary no matter how much you wish it wasn't. Good luck.
10/2/2015 c21 jessica
hopes yous better
3/26/2015 c21 belladu57
Soigne toi bien _
9/23/2014 c12 Guest
It irritates me to no end that you don't know Paul's last name lol. He isn't Paul Waters. His name is Paul Lahote. Love the story though lol.
9/17/2014 c21 mythzzrosenov
she should take the contract for that film making...!
7/27/2014 c21 1Alguita100
Hello I want you to be healthy and I hope you draw back this fic because I love it.
Updated soon.
4/5/2014 c21 Eileenapr
I love this story. Please update soon . Wishing you good health.
3/9/2014 c21 cullensrule
I am so sorry to read how sick you are. I hope that by now you know more about your condition and are able to get some relief from your pain.
3/6/2014 c21 3mariilou
Jbon rétablissement et reviens nous vite!
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