9/4/2023 c28 4Chell Belikova
I really like the miscarriage twist. I think it is important to discuss and normalise this!
I really like the miscarriage twist. I think it is important to discuss and normalise this!
12/29/2022 c31 Jason 245
5/25/2022 c31 shannonjessica.oreilly
Just started reading again after a long time... please tell me that you're going to finish the story?
Just started reading again after a long time... please tell me that you're going to finish the story?
4/14/2022 c31 Guest
Awesome job
Awesome job
12/20/2021 c1 CrisJ
I had to traslate in google traslate to read your history, my understanding of english is not so well but I want to read, I like it so much. I'm in Chapter 4 and I love it.
I had to traslate in google traslate to read your history, my understanding of english is not so well but I want to read, I like it so much. I'm in Chapter 4 and I love it.
11/24/2021 c31 Guest
Would loooove an update!
Would loooove an update!
1/31/2021 c31 1Bri901
Such a good chapter! I can't wait for the next one. I really need to see everyone's reactions to everything they found out about. (Including Abe. Unless he already knew)
Such a good chapter! I can't wait for the next one. I really need to see everyone's reactions to everything they found out about. (Including Abe. Unless he already knew)
1/24/2021 c31 3Angelblooded
so good omg definitely haven't pulled an all nighter reading this or anything
so good omg definitely haven't pulled an all nighter reading this or anything
1/13/2021 c16 ginabowman2005
About the AN on top. Even if no one is currently reading an update you should still work on the story.
I only follow incomplete stories that are currently in process. if the story is old and the updates are random then I follow it until it's marked complete.
I don't want to become emotionally invested in a story and come to the end of a chapter where Rose is kidnapped by Tasha or Dimitri was bitten and he's near death then that's it. For years... nothing.
I read a dozen stories a month and can't remember squat of the story once I move on to another story. Many of the stories being read for the 2nd, 3rd, maybe 10th time.
If you can't update your stories for a long time that's okay. I've seen updates in my email and put them in a fanfiction folder "to be read".
Please update when you can and know followers are paying attention. They just might be waiting until it's finished to sit and read it all the way through.
A lot of the long time VA fans are on the FB page Vampire Academy Family. Writers like Gigi256, Swimming the SameDeepWaters, HonestPassion13, PNR-GUILTY-PLEASURE, and lots more are members. We have a lot of fun chatting about fanfiction stories and other stuff.
Some of the writers use their own name and we don't necessarily know what their user name is but some are open and up front.
Finish you story for you. Please...I really want to read it start to finish so I can add it to my favorites to be read again and again.
About the AN on top. Even if no one is currently reading an update you should still work on the story.
I only follow incomplete stories that are currently in process. if the story is old and the updates are random then I follow it until it's marked complete.
I don't want to become emotionally invested in a story and come to the end of a chapter where Rose is kidnapped by Tasha or Dimitri was bitten and he's near death then that's it. For years... nothing.
I read a dozen stories a month and can't remember squat of the story once I move on to another story. Many of the stories being read for the 2nd, 3rd, maybe 10th time.
If you can't update your stories for a long time that's okay. I've seen updates in my email and put them in a fanfiction folder "to be read".
Please update when you can and know followers are paying attention. They just might be waiting until it's finished to sit and read it all the way through.
A lot of the long time VA fans are on the FB page Vampire Academy Family. Writers like Gigi256, Swimming the SameDeepWaters, HonestPassion13, PNR-GUILTY-PLEASURE, and lots more are members. We have a lot of fun chatting about fanfiction stories and other stuff.
Some of the writers use their own name and we don't necessarily know what their user name is but some are open and up front.
Finish you story for you. Please...I really want to read it start to finish so I can add it to my favorites to be read again and again.
1/13/2021 c9 ginabowman2005
She didn't have "lunch" with Dimitri. It was a late breakfast during the beginning of 2nd hour. It's lunch now.
She didn't have "lunch" with Dimitri. It was a late breakfast during the beginning of 2nd hour. It's lunch now.