Just In
for I Just Telepathically Did The Entire Crew?

7/13/2013 c1 7Minecraft Guardiansaiyan
Make a chapter 2!
4/29/2011 c1 Zagadska
Omg...that was just amazingly hillarious! Thank you!
2/4/2010 c1 PrincessJim4.0
omg funny! perfect! :D love kirk's response
1/22/2010 c1 15Lunetta The Wind Goddess
Undoubtedly the funniest horniest fic I've ever read Loved it!
1/14/2010 c1 1Leo6656
Okay, hilarious would be an understatement. That No words describe how fantastic this was.
1/12/2010 c1 9TheFanFicAddict
This made me laugh, it seems such a Jim Kirk thing, i can just immagine him happily smiling while everyone else is horrified and embarassed!
1/10/2010 c1 FritzlerKiss


O_O The title alone made me laugh, but I think I almost pee'd my pants with the sheer effort it took not to disturb my neighbors.

1/5/2010 c1 1110000111100001111000111
That was so bizarre but hilarious at the same time. xD
1/4/2010 c1 9lucy the divaqueen
first: W. T. F.

second: bravo. this is excellent
1/4/2010 c1 1lokipenguin
Fun, fun, fun!

Great Job^^

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