Just In
for A Near Whiteout

4/24/2014 c1 14Darth Moya
Lol... never thought about that, but you are rigt!
12/30/2010 c3 ThisAcc0untN0L0ngerInUse
Very funny :) But I don't see Near being rather annoyed. He's very calm unlike Mello.
12/30/2010 c2 ThisAcc0untN0L0ngerInUse
Haha, I really have to agree with Near on that one :D
12/30/2010 c1 ThisAcc0untN0L0ngerInUse
lmao, just the thought of Near disappearing in the snow is hilarious XD.
12/29/2010 c3 11LittleMissSeashell
XD This is pretty funny!

one problem, Near would never show annoyance.

If Near puts up with Mello pointing a gun at his head every half an hour, he'd be able to put up with her. It's still very good, though :)
11/13/2010 c1 Lizzy
It took me a few seconds to understand the joke, but once I did I really cracked up.
1/15/2010 c1 orange.eclipse
Aww, it's a grumpy Near :)
1/7/2010 c1 3Blind Justice
XXD *rolls on floor laughing* I thought the exact same thing!

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