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for The Story Of Sarelle

11/21/2018 c9 Guest
No offense, but you kind of ruined this for me with thenattempted
9/18/2018 c58 5LiveLoveWrite-93
Sarelle's story fits snugly next to the Twilight Saga on the bookshelf of my mind. It not only was beautifully written, but the kismet connection and bond of love formed between the Cullens and Sarelle was leaps and bounds ahead of the one formed with Bella. You have crafted a masterful tale of love, loss, strength, and endurance. I know for a fact that I don't regret the time I spent reading this.
8/27/2018 c1 Lilith Wolf
this is such an amazing story, it's so well written and truly beautiful. I truly felt my heart break reading this and I cried so very much I could fill a pool
4/17/2018 c12 Guest love
Tell Renee that the picture was of Sarelle's grandmother or great grandmother, and that the asylum dress was her grandmother s too. Tell her that she kept the dress to remind her of the moments she learned in there. That not all good times bring lessons but bad times bring the most lessons and we must learn from them.
4/17/2018 c11 Guest love
Just lie and say that girl is your grandmother and the dress was hers too, and she always says that even tho they went the greatest years you will always learn from them.
2/15/2018 c13 moonlightstriking
I hate edward in your wtiting.. so much heart would have been a happy love story if he chose sloane... i need to read other happy ending love story now.. i need to get myself happy lol...
11/2/2017 c1 1eairyfairy
I read this fanfic back in 2011 while you were writing it and I loved the story and it broke my heart so much and now, six years later, I've just been craving the story so I'm back for a second go! This is going to be a rollercoaster! Buckle up Sarelle, we're in for a bumpy ride!
8/7/2017 c4 fffan725
i dont think cooties existed.
8/7/2017 c1 fffan725
3/23/2017 c53 KuchikiAra
I'm with Rosalie in this one. I still haven't forgiven Edward for replacing Sarelle with Bella Swan...
3/23/2017 c46 KuchikiAra
God, how my heart is aching right now. Twilight is my guilty pleassure, Edward being one of my favorite men in the saga, but it was Sarelle who got my heart from chapter 1. I'm sorry I haven't left a review after every chapter, but I couldn't stop readind even for a minute.
This piece made me cry (there have been lots of sad and touching moments in your story, but this one most of all). I just hope Sarelle gets to have her happy ending.
She truly deserves to be happy.
2/7/2017 c39 til the end of the line
This is honestly one of the best stories I've ever had the pleasure of reading.
1/24/2017 c58 1SlytherclawDevin
Oh thank god...a sequel.
1/24/2017 c51 SlytherclawDevin
What no! I liked the idea of her with the volturi for some chapters...
1/24/2017 c35 SlytherclawDevin
How dare you! How dare you make me love this ship...I hate you lol
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