Just In
for Love and Betrayal

6/29/2016 c1 Guest
Cute storry! Yahh love is in the air i can't fell it!
4/28/2014 c9 8OnlyDarknessAwaits1369
This was a good read...
Thank you for ever creating this one up and decided to share it with everyone of us.
This was so great to read, perfect with the drama and romance. Explainations for the plot were tact and well-organized, everything was perfectly explained..
I will definately Fav this one up...!
2/4/2013 c8 Guest
oh please, please make a FujiSen soon! two extremely handsome players together, as a couple, are simply impossible to resist!

continue this fic...its awesome!
2/3/2013 c9 Guest

(sob) loved this fic...just loved it.
6/3/2011 c5 HanaNaruLight
Eugh Senru! yikes.I hate that pairing*puke* hehe

《waves RuHana Banners》^^
9/29/2010 c9 Mayuzu
Well, I have complicated feelings upon reading your fic. You see, I love Sendoh and Hanamichi and it's kinda sad to see how Sendoh was being used cruelly by Rukawa. But well, at least Hanamichi is happy, so... Thanx for sharing.
12/28/2007 c9 nomy
i kinda like it..i like what you done in the few first chapter..but after that i just feel not enough pull..i love how you play with Hana emotion in the first chapter..but i kinda hate sendoh in this..JERK! later~ ^_~..

btw...its a good story!
2/8/2005 c9 Ran-kin hyde

the ending became a bit mushy, yeah...but it's ok, as long as it's RuHana! yay!

also, the last chapter twist stunned me...unexpected. but i can imagine it happening to Rukawa and it gives me the creeps.

nice fic, and it's differently done, too. write more! =^-^=
5/28/2003 c9 6Crescent Quetzalcoatl
i just realized that this fic has been on my fave list and i never got to review it! O_o

gomen nasai honto ni...

demo i really like the fic, the plot, the way you write... everything! oh, and my fave pair RuHana too!

everyone realizes their mistakes and weaknesses, and try wove their solutions always thinking of what the other felt.

this was beautifully written... i hope to read your other works too, and hopefully remember to review.

*hugs Yeny*
5/21/2003 c9 going to wherever
Nice one! I hate SENDOH!;-/

12/29/2002 c9 8Angelline
Really nicely written! Great job, and no, it's a wonderful ending. ^^ This fic had me reading straight from beginning to end.. my eyes are popping out~ :P Well, Happy New Year, and I hope you write more HanaRu's in the near future *wink*
10/7/2002 c9 abelixer rex
This is just so great!

You know Yen you could be such an imaginative lover that you are... ;)
8/16/2002 c5 Guest
That was so Cute! I like it. Do try to make a continuation for it.
5/1/2002 c9 watever
sugoi! i like the story.. keep it up with your ruhana or hanaru fanfics! i love it...
3/7/2002 c9 kelly
I loooved it! ah though I think Sendoh gave up too soon, lol...nah! I love ruhana/hanaru, congratz! good fic.
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