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for I told you so

9/2/2012 c1 Guest
so amazing! make another chapter please!
8/26/2010 c1 S.ocd.H
Oh MY FUCKING GAWD THAT WAS HAWT. I wanna see his reaction! Please write another! I loved it! bravo :)
7/20/2010 c1 Sdfreeze
She should have to wolves go after him for playing so dirty. Man, nothing like getting her going and then staling in neutral! But I liked the fact this Edward at least got there a little!
3/21/2010 c1 6crazychickxoxo
Ooh my Vampire-fucking-god LOVED IT!
1/11/2010 c1 Lulli101
hot hot hot ; )
1/11/2010 c1 1iluvedwardcullen191
Haha. I love it. Edward, such an unusual man! But HEY!, I love him!
1/11/2010 c1 vampiricKitten
Cookies? I like cookies!

I liked it. Bella did exacly what I would have done had I been placed in her situation... for once.



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