Just In
for Why Kakashi is Gay

3/18/2018 c1 Guest
Omg... that was funny as hell and yeah i had the same doubt about his body... er.. um betryal..
12/16/2017 c1 Guest
8/14/2017 c1 Guest
Used e to mother ie Emperor eemperor mother duchess DJ duchess herself emperor niece emperor mother daughter mother eniece niece daughter niece eemperor emperor educhess emperor niece yessir emperor duchess niece emperor mother emperor emperor eking emperor emperor king eking emperor emperor niece niece mother emperor mother aunt niece niece mother emperor emperor king king duchess emperor eniece mother emother mother mother daughter mother eemperor mother mother ue Duchess uniece daughter niece uemperor mother emperor niece emperor Eue mother urges mother mother daughter niece eemperor emperor mother emperor Seuss uue Even us ueuow Niece eemperor emperor niece is emperor niece king will use to ye she hen ue emperor duchess duchess euniece mother h used Shazam to use ueu as she niece aunt emperor mother niece used mother daughter emperor emperor niece emperor emperor duchess duchess emperor ueu emperor used Shazam king king iu yup emperor uemperor used iu duchess I seen the i duchess r ueueu king yeu up emperor or used I don't your iniece duchess niece else ueueu up uto eumother uduchess king eand ue ue emother niece uemperor eemperor eueniece ueueu duchess ueuherself is king ueueu wuss duking ueuherself and duchess uu u EuDuchess ueEmperor eNiece eI is aunt niece ee mother mother eniece ever mother used aunt ue emperor eue daughter umother jseue Emperor emperor ieniece used mother emperor used mother umother aunt niece used eimother to eemperor I uwas niece o
4/8/2015 c1 jess.c.kong
That was cute! You captured Naruto and Sakura's character very well; each of their speculations seem valid and their banter was hilarious. Very enjoyable! Loved the ending!
3/25/2013 c1 Lavi-Lee
the ending
omfg xD
3/10/2012 c1 1babblesmarie
Err, im no Iruka expert... but uh, since when...was he...ya know...a dolphin? otherwise, tots great story(:
10/2/2011 c1 krazylittlekat
i wonder wat naruto's sentence about saskue was gonna be ... guess i'll never know
7/21/2011 c1 12Elliot.S.Roy
Elliot: Its great.
7/12/2011 c1 the one
haha at first i thought this was real cringing when i thought of kakashi with iruka good story though it was funny
2/15/2011 c1 dawm
11/19/2010 c1 de orga
kakashi, a smooth talker e? a perfect answer for iruka's question. naruto, since when he got that good insight about other people? kekekeke, love this one, nicely written hun. hugs for you.
11/17/2010 c1 2Hatake-kun
OMG, Naruto was SO right...

*sobs* Why!
9/5/2010 c1 51Kakashi Nuttcase
could you come out with another and dumb it down a little i love to read romance but not romance that is mostly sexualty more romance like they work for ever to connect and stuff like that
8/11/2010 c1 105SongoftheDarquePhoenix
Of COURSE Kakashi is gay! Duh!

Fantastic little fic.
7/26/2010 c1 3dat-patriot Kakashi's got really good self-control...

I agree with Iruka, tho, good answer, good answer

-wipes nose-

yup. very good answer.
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