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4/11/2020 c4 Lyane
Too bad that There are only 3 chapters. The story seemed promising.
8/26/2014 c4 Guest
I hope you will continue this story at some point. I like this mischievous, puckish Godric.
7/29/2012 c4 Rossy1
hope you write more
7/2/2012 c4 Guest
love this story! wish there was more! :)
5/11/2012 c4 luvnikki7

I love the more devious Godric. Great story.
8/8/2011 c4 1TehFallen1
so want to read more. keep up the great work

6/17/2011 c4 11XxTaintedxDaggerxX
Haha, love!
1/24/2011 c4 2AJosephinexoxo
Please, please updated this very soon! It's really good!
11/16/2010 c4 minelia
update soon please !
9/10/2010 c4 1RuByMoOn17
a lil OOC but its not bad =)
8/2/2010 c4 FireyShinigamiRose
I want more! Please? :3
6/21/2010 c4 majmom
OHHH! Can't wait for more.
6/17/2010 c4 Kepouros
OMG Update! Pretty please!
5/28/2010 c4 Izzy9419
loved it update soon
5/20/2010 c4 3wolfz
Welcome Back! Its been a while!

i do love Sookie and Godric mysterious connection, also i would like to see Sookie learn some new abilities because of Godric's blood. Eric seems jeolouse and angry because he can see Sookie attraction to his Maker! And she had his blood! It would be fun to tease Eric with Sookie and Godric having fun and connection. Anyway, good job! can't wait for more!
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