Just In
for Heart and Soul

2/16 c5 Mutant Ascension
As much as I hate the Dursleys, Vernon It's not wrong if Harry had not been forced upon them then they would never have had to face any dangerous from the magical world and their son certainly wouldn't have almost gotten his soul eaten by Dementor. That's not really Harris fault either that falls at the feet of Dumbledore because he is the one that decided to stick his crooked nose into Harry's life for some odd reason I still don't understand how he had the authority to do that but I guess he made use of his political power. Because I'm quite certain that Lily and James should definitely have a will, there's no way they wouldn't both of them are very intelligent People and they were fighting on the front lines against voldemort for years they certainly would have come to the conclusion that they could die at any time. And if nothing else after Lily was confirmed pregnant they definitely wrote one then.

Truly I do get so tired of seeing this cliche when I read stories with Fleur as Harry's partner. The 2 of them together are my favorite parents out of all followed by Hermione and Ginny and Susan bones etc et cetera. However it is extremely annoying when I keep running to decline where 90% of Harry and Fleur fence fictions always have the stupid fashion in it either for some reason Harry and Hermione and Ron are no longer friends on hermin's part it is completely unjustified hermonia has never done anything to signify she would hold Harry back from being the best that he can be it is quite the opposite she's constantly nagging him trying to get him to live up to that potential that he has. On wrong side it is more understandable that their friendship would fall out when Harry's determined to be the best he can because of Ron's self-esteem issues and his inferiority complex among other things. Honestly after fourth year their friendship should have ended because such a betrayal there's really no forgiving that, and regaining the trust they once had. Especially considering just a year before in third year he found out that one of his Father's best friends who he literally put the lives of his son and his precious wife in (because I'm sure James valued their lives more than his own) betrayed them and caused their death. So when Ron decided to betray him in fourth year when he needed him most, yeah there was no way that friendship should have been restarted he should not have forgiven Ron for that.

Or in the case of situation like this where you do with Ginny So dirty for the sake of drama I mean yes in the book she had a crush on Harry but it was just that a crush you have literally taken a crush and turned it into an obsession like what snape had for Lily. The feelings Ginny had for Harry and what snape had for lily cannot be equated with each other it is not the same thing she just had a crush and as we saw in the books she got over it heck if I remember correctly it was Harry that approached her for a relationship in 6 year not her, she had already been dating other people by that time and everything. Doing all of this for unnecessary drama seems completely pointless to me. I can never understand why cliches that make no sense are always so popular yet the ones that make sense are rarely used.

Anyway, the Hermione and Ginny talk was interesting and I think this is the first fanfiction I have read that has this Ginny being obsessed with Harry nonsense and Hermione talks some sense into her. Also Hermione having the realization that she too still have romantic feelings for Harry despite him being betrothed is rather amusing. I have a deep appreciation for self aware people

Fleur's reaction to the situation is very understandable and at least she is keeping an open mind about it.
2/16 c1 Mutant Ascension
Man every time I read a story or a novel and a speaker of inbreeding you guys always have this fantasy version of what inbreeding results in like seriously it is not that hard to do a little bit of research on the subject. Inbreeding does not work the way you think it works if it did then humanity would not currently be here because we are extremely in bread despite what you may believe we are in fact one of the most inbred species on this entire planet and yet there's over 8 billion of us here. The blacks were not that inbred they're downfall had nothing to do with inbreeding just their stupid beliefs and the stupid decisions they made as a result of that belief. It's pretty obvious when you actually look at the house of black that rather than caring about their family and the prosperity of their family they put a stupid belief of superiority above their own families well-being it's like they live to serve the purpose of this belief rather than live to serve themselves is unbelievably stupid. Sirius's Mother is a perfect example of this stupidity why the hell would you take pride in your children becoming a servant to another man all that c*** you spot about superiority and pride in your family and And yet you're happy that they become the branded cattle of some man you don't even know anything about. And it didn't matter if they even knew anything about him in the first place it's still the fact that why do you want your children serving someone else that makes no sense. The blacks of old is probably rolling in their graves. Anyway none of the current pure blood families are that embred after all they have already learned the lesson of what being too embread does to a family from the Gaunts, As in voldemort's mother's family they've learned their lessons from them that family only bread amongst each other because they believe themselves to be even pure of blood than anyone else and eventually they became a bunch of broke idiots that couldn't even afford to go to hogwarts and the last of them living in a freaking shack in a muggle village next to wealthy muggle's. Anyway since models are clearly largely unaffected by inbreeding since once again there are billions of us here then magicals who do not suffer from any mundane afflictions should be perfectly fine from inbreeding. Even the Gaunts only became broke and as a result stupid from centuries of constant inbreeding. And they were largely stupid because they had no money to get educated since they had to sell everything they owned after a certain point.
2/11 c27 MRGwrites
well then, why did you say anything
1/26 c43 Guest
I find a lot of the logic and circumstance in many of the alterations over the course of the story to be questionable. I also feel like the last 20ish chapters are missing a certain charm that earlier chapters possessed. Overall, good story but it kind of feels like it is going through the motions at times.
1/27 c45 1bleachorange
Overall, I have enjoyed my time with the story, but I feel like it is missing the point here. The main difference in this story from canon is a betrothal contract has our hero go down a different relationship and development path than canon. The story sort of forgets to focus on this after about chapter 25, and pushes the author's changes to the wayside in favor of small tweaks to the overall plot and a weird super accelerated maturation of the MCs (and dumbledore going left where he went right every time in canon).

Frankly, I didnt get to see nearly enough interactions with Fleur/Harry as they sort through this change and learn to live with each other. The ones we got were mostly told in 3rd person, rather than shown, and lacked all the actual enjoyment of the situation, particularly as the addition of Hermione got inserted there. There were no fun scenes with the group of friends just doing some random activity, and watching the interations of the characters involved. I would reference The Last Prayer for a good take on this in many aspects of how to write engaging scenes with your character differences.

Im partly being hard on the story because it does a lot of things right. It doesnt make a lot of mistakes that many fan fictions do. But it feels a bit wooden, sort of like chain food vs home cooking. There is nothing objectively *wrong* with a McDonalds burger. But it lacks a soul, just like the majority of character interactions after chapter 10 in this story.
1/27 c44 bleachorange
Lol, harry paraphrasing the prophecy for the group after all the shit they went through to keep it secret. Wtf author. Way to be an idiot about this.

Ugh, it got weird again with phrasing. I think my number one complaint with this story is the vernacular being used is never quite right and always a bit off for the situation. Ive left and come back to this story each of the last 4 or 5 chapters trying to get past this sense of strangeness in conversation.
1/26 c40 bleachorange
The story is overall well written, but the author has a tendency to make dumbledore oppose an idea strongly and then a few weeks later about face and pretend the idea is a necessity with no intervening prose. This pattern happens several times at least.
1/24 c3 bleachorange
My mental image of Umbridge has always been Baba from Dragonball Z, but in pink. I know its not quite realistic, but I cant help it - it works so well
12/17/2024 c14 Animeworld2.0

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

I would like to inform you that my channel is now monetized, and I make sure to give proper credit in the description of your story. Additionally, I will share the video link under your story review for your view. I respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your guidance.

I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

Thank you!..
12/15/2024 c80 KanameZeroYuki
such a sweet ending
12/15/2024 c67 KanameZeroYuki
Well, they have every right to be angry, and to let him know where he messed up exactly. But threatening the possibility of the end of a relationship to make the point rubs me the wrong way. Also, they need to understand what its like knowing you are hosting carrying the soul of your parents' murderer around. It's bound to affect him in awful ways.
12/15/2024 c63 KanameZeroYuki
Oh dear.
12/15/2024 c59 KanameZeroYuki
To be fair... they really should know better than to berate him by now, all it does is piss him off.
12/7/2024 c19 KanameZeroYuki
I stand corrected. The scene where they talked about how heavy handed the girls were on Harry helped alleviate my feelings about the situation. I will try to remind myself not to make immediate judgements in the future.
12/6/2024 c18 1OhJustReadIt
The review below me is absolutely right. Emotionally manipulating Harry to agree is not right and then when he finally blows up, reprimanding him is also not right.

Is he his own man or a mannequin about to be told off on everything by his two girls? If I see more instances of this, then sorry this story is not for me.
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