Just In
for Compulsory

1/24/2010 c1 29afrozenheart412
This was powerful. Full of emotion and action, and I can see Don having this reaction on the first time shooting his gun and taking someone down.

Sally is beautiful in here with the way she is so concerned about him and how she told him it was alright to let go "Its okay.ā€ Sally whispered. ā€œIā€™m here."

Dr. MacIntyre was cool, not your normal shrink. But then dealing with the cops that come to him, I'm glad he knows his stuff. Don's emotion and his reaction in defending himself was brilliantly written. It was realistic. On the humor note, yeah he shouldn't let Danny near his phone again.

Favorite lines

"I pushed the swing door open to find Danny holding a dish up to Sid while he dropped another slug into it. The sound rang in my ears."

"From what he had told him, Dr MacIntyre could tell this particular member of the NYPD was strong and usually confident. He was passionate and with the friends and colleagues he had spoken about, seemed like the kind of person who had the will power and support to bounce back."
1/23/2010 c1 33lily moonlight
You're back! Interesting story, you always write Flack very well. Good to see his POV on a difficult action. so is this to be continued?
1/23/2010 c1 RyderBPD
This is excellent! We so rarely see the police procedural side that goes into CSI:NY, and I think your work on bringing us details of the raid was very well done.

I also think you did well in describing Flack's mental/physical state after having shot someone (especially someone so young), and what would need to take place in order for him to talk to someone about it. I know I wish he'd open up a little more about Jess' death and shooting that unarmed perp.

Fantastic work!

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