Just In
for Dad you have officialy ruined my life

6/16/2013 c1 dianecrespin
I thought she was there for summer break but she's going rod school?
11/5/2011 c25 brankel1
Love it.
8/2/2011 c25 Brooklyns Finest Hufflepuff
Whyd u kill emily off this is a great story update soon please!
7/19/2011 c24 Guest
Plz keep it up it's really good
5/7/2011 c22 2MidnightDreamer73
is there still an imprint between the 2? or did it just die? i really like this story and i really want paul and lauren to still have an imprint!

midnightdreamer73 signing off
8/6/2010 c21 5ValerieKathryn
*gasps wildly and smiles like an ididot* WRITE MORE! I LOVE IT WITH ALL MEH ASS!
8/4/2010 c21 Kishasho123
Update again soon! Wow. I want to know what happens.

Emily died! what the heck!

I hope they have a great reunion. :)

Great job. Keep it up!
5/7/2010 c20 4Awesome-Vampire-Pixie
Good chapter!
5/6/2010 c20 brankel1
Great job.Update soon.
4/25/2010 c19 1evfangirl98
loved this 8)

4/22/2010 c19 9Imprinting Magic
4/22/2010 c19 Kishasho123
The ending was SO CUTE! Thanks for updating.

Please Update Again SOON!
4/22/2010 c19 4Awesome-Vampire-Pixie
Aww... so cute! Luved it!
4/22/2010 c19 1Musik Drache
Hm so she's sick huh? Please, continue.
4/13/2010 c18 1evfangirl98
love this chapter its :)

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