Just In
for You Saw My Scars

1/22/2018 c1 dreamer 3097
I like these 2 as a couple
11/13/2012 c1 15Dalek Warrior
This is great, they should totally have done this in the show!
2/11/2011 c1 sarlovesoccer
6/30/2010 c1 Insanely Me
I loved it! But I thought Daisy was a brunette?
5/2/2010 c1 33ComicalEpiphanies
I thought it was very good. A little out of character for Daisy to be so serious, but it definitely makes since in the context. Good job and reasonable backup.
4/4/2010 c1 1normal-on-strike3zq
I loved it!

2/18/2010 c1 11drsweetsgirl
This story is sweet. I love Lance. I'm not a big fan of Daisy, but in this story I enjoyed them together. So, congrats, you made me like Daisy, for a limited time only, but that's still kind of awesome. Yay!
2/6/2010 c1 NinjaEmo

You are too good!


My Gerbil!

The De-cafe.

**10 hours later**

Peace out.

1/31/2010 c1 12misslizzie1204
haha no ranting from me :)

great story, loved the bonding thing going on there

you never really see that side of daisy too much -she's too busy being hyper- but i'm sure she would react like this

good job :)
1/31/2010 c1 6NYMPHADORA.LOVE
awe. poor sweets. they are such a cute couple. and this was such a cute and sweet story:)
1/31/2010 c1 mjels
love it

i am so happy for him that she do what she do

i am not a big fan of daisy but love what she do for lance
1/31/2010 c1 sugarcoatedslashersmile
I was crying my eyes out. Poor Sweets. Great work.

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