Just In
for Hidden Emotions

4/4/2010 c1 6HeyyTyler
This was really good! I'm working on something like this and I like how you managed to keep Itachi in character while still portraying his emotions. It's a hard task, I know. My current project is a lot like this songfic, but I'm basically starting with Itachi's life a month before he kills his family, the day he receives the order, to the moment he dies, so I know what I'm talking about when I say Itachi is a hard character to capture and you did it perfectly! I like how his thoughts almost directly contradict his actions, but you connected them so it makes sense. Excellent work!

2/27/2010 c1 doesn't feel like logging in
I adored it! We all knew Itachi was a loon~but no one ever portrays him as having emotion. Just as a sadistic bastard. Perfect song for the story, beautiful portrayal of the mind of a madman 3
2/2/2010 c1 Kilasfd
I really liked this story, and the song really fit it, especially since he pretty much did get away with murder. It really suited the entire ninja profession, too. Nice job!

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