8/23/2011 c11
me wants to read more. NOW ! :D
No, seriously I know how you feel and I've only written 3 chapters of my own story so far but please... this story is way to awesome to end like this !

me wants to read more. NOW ! :D
No, seriously I know how you feel and I've only written 3 chapters of my own story so far but please... this story is way to awesome to end like this !
8/3/2011 c11 viktoria
is there going to be another chapter? please?
is there going to be another chapter? please?
7/1/2011 c1 The Secret Slytherin
I really really really really really like the story! Like love it! You are an awesome author! Can't wait for the rest!
I really really really really really like the story! Like love it! You are an awesome author! Can't wait for the rest!
7/1/2011 c11 KissingFullMoon89
Your story is amazing and I can't wait to see what all happens in Paris. And maybe even what izzy gets for her birthday! (especially from mangus!) ;)
Your story is amazing and I can't wait to see what all happens in Paris. And maybe even what izzy gets for her birthday! (especially from mangus!) ;)
6/8/2011 c11 momo347
I've read through this, and I hope you'll be able to continue it soon. It's an AWESOME story!
I've read through this, and I hope you'll be able to continue it soon. It's an AWESOME story!
4/3/2011 c11 Purpleytk is too lazy to login
Sigh I understand :/
Sigh I understand :/
4/2/2011 c5
1jfdap af
I'm going to stop reading for a sec to tell you that I'm glad you made Clary give up on the toying because really, she's not that kind of person. :)

I'm going to stop reading for a sec to tell you that I'm glad you made Clary give up on the toying because really, she's not that kind of person. :)
3/9/2011 c3 UnusedAccountofLies
So i read this, and at the end of the chapter was a Pizza Hut add. :DDD
So i read this, and at the end of the chapter was a Pizza Hut add. :DDD