Just In
for All's Fair When Love Is War

1/15/2015 c13 2Charlotte Rosamond
Omg I love the story so far! Please update!
12/14/2014 c13 Guest
It was great reading your fic
10/25/2014 c13 Guest
I really like this story and I hope you continue it! Thanks!
8/26/2014 c13 lindsayhonaker
I love this story. I hope you will eventually update. I'll be waiting!
8/7/2014 c13 Daire123
This is such an adorable story! I love it! I just wish Jace tried a little more with Clary. After 6 years you would think he'd try harder to keep her now that they are together. It has been too long could you please update again! Your an amazing writer and this is such a great story!
8/5/2014 c12 2MortalKd1997
Please come back! I love this story xx
7/30/2014 c13 12hiiina
Your story is so amazing! Please please please update!
7/10/2014 c8 sarah.undre
GOD I swear im in love with this fanfic . couldn't stop grinning after reading this chapter
6/29/2014 c13 TIDnerd
I know its been forever, but can you please keep writing this story? I really like it, its so cute, i'd love to read more.
3/21/2014 c7 Guest
Chapter 7s cute
3/12/2014 c13 itsHerondale
Im mad and happy and really pissed. You just can't end it right there that's not fair at all!
2/19/2014 c13 ButteryHighlights
Are you gonna finish this?
1/24/2014 c13 nofutureplansorgoals
Update? !
12/29/2013 c4 spatiallyimpaired
Operation: FOWTHIGOIHH just made my day. i'm loving this story and you're writing style.
12/17/2013 c13 babyblue44
Update soon! This is so great I love all the friends references and I love the characters!
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