Just In
for Addicted

3/19/2021 c3 nhrc
That was nice but less then M rating.
3/19/2021 c1 nhrc
(Joins the applause) So good.
4/3/2016 c3 27CharlieBoneFan
10/14/2015 c3 9Jasmine Melody
Perfection! CHI! So happy!
~Jasmine Melody~
8/24/2011 c3 4neverest
i really loved this fic..especially the first chapter(my fav chap)..listening to the songs wile reading gave it more edge and just really illustrated the seductive mannerisms the characters was like a movie in my head..haha..the second chapter chillied out a bit but was also awesome:o)..and this last chapter was amazing:o)..what i think is best is that each song went incredibly well with the labyrinth(all by Kelly Clarkson too i noticed:o) hope to read more from you in the future:oD ciao;oD
5/2/2010 c2 35Onyx Wildcat
I've never read any Labrynth Fanfics before but because you've been so gracious, I decided to show the same courtesy and I gotta say... Even for the small mistakes (Which I do myself lol) these two chapters were very well done. And I'm not saying that just to say it, I'm being honest! :D I'm actually really looking forward to when you decide (or able) to update this again. ^_^
4/2/2010 c2 2Lady Augustin
Many Thanks to you for continuing the story, please update soon great chapter by the way
4/2/2010 c2 tichtich2
O.M.GOBLINS! yet another GREAT chapter thankyou so much for writing another one .. is there going to be more? i hope so cuse this just gets better and better that is for sure ... im so glad jareth just came out with the fact he loves her and didnt take so long to say it now al we have to do is wait for sarah to realise her true feeling :P

thanks for the shout out it really apresiate it :D it did put a smile on my face :P well i hope to read more soon and i cant wait to see wat happenes next :D ... will we hear more from her friends too ?

anywho thanks again

your faithfull reviewer

4/1/2010 c2 65notwritten
I like this chapter. Keep smiling. :-)
3/27/2010 c1 midnightshadow93
Otay ... this one was good... not as good as univited but still good... very interesting very very ... hell i just likee it ... make it somewhat a little more interesting.. but other than that you should still continue the story... :) yeah please do.. cause i think that it will end up being one of those stories that start out slow but then gain 'momentum' by like the middle of the story or even before ... it was still good though :) keep up the good work :)
3/27/2010 c1 tichtich2
:O O.M.GOBLINS! this was AMAZING! amazing song and amazingly written ... i loved every minute of it ! do u think you will carry it on or do another one shot leading off of this cuse this was amazing ! it truely was and i loved it ever so much.

thanks for a fab fanfic ... and for giving me another song to listen to constantly

your faithfull reviewer

2/4/2010 c1 18UndergroundDaydreams
Cute - I think the song fits. ;)
2/4/2010 c1 7Lakara Valentine
*joins in crowds applause*

that was awesome! i have to tell you, when i saw the title my first thought was the song my saving abel since i've never heard the one by kelly clarkson, but i think i like this one just as much :P

and just out of curiosity was this written for the harem's 'Sarah Sings' challenge?
2/3/2010 c1 12Leremia C. Awan
That was so cool!
2/3/2010 c1 Mikro
Cute :) Wondering if he was planning it in some way.

Like it very much :)

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