Just In
for Just One of Those Days

7/16/2010 c2 Sylarissmexy
Woot! Go Pemma!
2/13/2010 c2 VampFan327
Damn that cat they were about to get it on. JK. But that was an excellent chapter 2. =)
2/7/2010 c2 93Lara-Van
Aw, that's lovely. GREAT second chapter! Emma's thoughts about depending on Peter were oddly perfect, and seemed just exactly like something she would be thinking.

This fic is totally adorable, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
2/6/2010 c2 36silverhelix428

This is ADORABLE. Decidedly one of the best Pemma fics I've read in a really long while, and I totally love it. SO cute.

Is there another chapter? Please say yes! But if not, I'm looking forward to your upcoming Pemma fic!
2/6/2010 c1 silverhelix428
This is ADORABLE! On to chapter two!
2/6/2010 c2 15SkyHighFan
Keep it up
2/5/2010 c1 93Lara-Van

Firstly, allow me to say that I am the FIRST Pemma shipper on this site. I was posting Pemma stories over the summer the second I'd gotten the dirt on her from Heroes: All-Access. Since then, I have written tons and tons of Pemma, and I'm a manager on VooDoo Lily's Pemma community (which you should really check out, we've collected most, if not all, of the Pemma fic on this site there, soon to be including this little piece of awesome). As a result, I've read a LOT of Pemma.

But this? This surpasses. This is above-and-beyond awesome. It's also the first time anybody's written any really substantial multichapter Pemma. It's mostly been oneshots so far.

I thought that both were perfectly in character, despite your worries to the contrary. Peter's characteristic compassion, and his obvious love (even if they haven't put that label on it yet) for Emma shine through. Emma's deeply emotional, strong personality radiates through her section of the chapter.

And don't worry about the angsty-ness. A little angst just makes the sweet, fluffy parts seem even sweeter and fluffier by comparison. And given the situation (Georgie dying, missing Nathan, etc.) it's quite appropriate to throw in some good angst. NOT having some angst would make it unrealistic, not the other way around!

This is fully amazing.

And I agree with you- if Pemma doesn't happen in the season finale, it sure as hell better happen in season five! Which, given the fact that DVD and merchandise sales for Heroes are HUGE internationally, seems likely to actually happen. It's an expensive show to produce, but it's also an extremely profitable one.

Fic = awesome. Pemma = best ship ever. Post a new chapter soon. And when you're done with this one, write more! Pemma FTW!
2/5/2010 c1 15SkyHighFan
I like it. I thought those two could be good together since they first introduced the charchter of Emma. Also, one thing I never got was why Peter didn't just use his healing power to heal Emma's deafness while he had it. There's nothing wrong with being deaf, one of my friends is deaf, but like Emma she can read lips and speak, but it would have been cool if Peter had been able to heal it for her.
2/5/2010 c1 VampFan327
I think that was PERFECT! I LOVE heroes. It is honestly the most amazing show ever. That was a great first chapter can't wait to read more. =)

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