Just In
for Imperfect

2/10/2010 c1 aslkjsds
aw!:') thats really cute:D

the note was amazing, and really in character. in fact, they were all in character all the way through.

the part where chad called sonny a bitch was great, and thats the sort of thing i wanna say to this attention seeking girl in my school, muahaha:)

i cant critisize..

except you put an 'e' on the end of secret.;):L

but i forgive you for that because it was awesome!:D x
2/10/2010 c1 22SonnyChadFan
Aw, this was cute, I love the kissing in the rain bit.
2/10/2010 c1 18DeanObsession
this is great so far, it would be a great one chapter story the way you left it, but i really want to read more. update soon! :)

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