Just In
for Of Fangs And Wands 2: A New Dawn

7/6/2013 c2 1Zak saturday 1
Update soon please and start the romance soon please
3/31/2013 c2 thedoctor97
My fingers are still crossed. :(
3/1/2013 c1 Me
Just another writer who abandons his stories without saying anything...
kinda pathetic really :/

good story so far, but it's abandoned as are most good stories that aren't slash)
1/4/2013 c2 6Enuescaris
Are you still alive? I want more!
3/18/2011 c2 jgood27
Love this story and can't wait to read more, please update
12/1/2010 c2 11Severus-is-my-man5690
awe man..i loved these two stories! i would love to see you update! hope you feel well. and get back to your old self.


~Sev5690 (Ashley)
5/28/2010 c1 5TheDancingKiller
4/21/2010 c1 4luvbooks
oh what happens next
2/10/2010 c1 14Spike Trap
i like it!

will this follow BtVS canon or will Spike and Buffy get together early.

P.S Riley somehow reminds me of Ron. thick as a post and completly wrong for the heroine.

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