Just In
for She wears high heels, I wear sneakers

6/13/2012 c7 5Annika Day
This is good but some grammar issues. And spelling. But great job! Update soon
12/21/2010 c7 6Loverofgoodstories27
love it!
6/1/2010 c7 AbandonedAccount123459
I love your story. Also, I hate Sarah too, Why? Because I want Caleb for myself. Keep writing.
3/23/2010 c7 17Asher Knight
Amazing chapter; short but still

worth the wait. I love Caleb and

Rachel. I can't think of any new

songs but I'll message you my

ideas later. Please update soon..



PS Tell Reid I still love him

no matter what...Lol.
3/6/2010 c6 5KagomeBadass17
2/26/2010 c6 Venetiangrl92
love the chapter and random:)
2/26/2010 c6 1Spontaneous.Combustion99
good chapter, it was really cute

random is cute too!

2/26/2010 c6 17Asher Knight
Once again, an amazing

chapter :) I'd like to

suggest Our Song by Taylor

Swift for the next chapter.

Update soon please


2/20/2010 c5 5KagomeBadass17
Like i said...AWESOME!
2/20/2010 c4 KagomeBadass17
Hell nah she hit him!
2/20/2010 c3 KagomeBadass17
Ha ha you're funny at the end. Great chapter!
2/20/2010 c2 KagomeBadass17
I just ADORE your story!
2/19/2010 c5 1Spontaneous.Combustion99
love the chapter.

im going to reccomend one of my favourite Taylor Swift songs.

it's Tied Together With A Smile.

i really like it, maybe you can use it for one of your chapters.

i liked the random too :)
2/19/2010 c5 Venetiangrl92
good chapter! you always could expand there relationship or put Caleb's pov on the story/ his feelings and how and when they started
2/19/2010 c5 17Asher Knight
Gr...I think you should

have shoved Sarah in a

closet with me...I could

do so much worse than Abbott

*insert evil smirk here* But

anyways...the chapter was great.

I just loved it. I honestly

adore these little one-shots

but they always leave me

wanting to read more. It is

a good thing you update so

frequently although I still

think this should become a

complete story. I love the

plot and it has a Sarah everybody

can hate :) Great job. Please

update soon.


Kris Knight♥
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