Just In
for Wizardy Tape Recorder

7/29/2013 c1 AP
7/25/2011 c1
Ahah, I loved it! :) and Selena wasnt too stalker-y because she's just a relationship wizard! [:
8/3/2010 c1 Alice
Loved it!
6/5/2010 c1 19reallyJavannah
OMG Sel is funny
3/29/2010 c1 5ChordOverstreetFan
She finally admitted that she's a relationship wizard.
2/17/2010 c1 4intensewhatever
Loved it! Awesome job! So cute!
2/15/2010 c1 22SonnyChadFan
So cute! Selena was so funny in this, and she got them together in two days!

Lol, loved this!
2/14/2010 c1 lolz3
Aw. Selena's just awesome. What would they do without her? Great job!
2/14/2010 c1 ragged.imperfection
Aw, love the ending! It's so adorable!

And Selena's a genius. Lol.

2/14/2010 c1 21MYcatISmyBESTfriend
That was so flippin cute! Chad is amazing! :D This was great, I loved it. :)
2/14/2010 c1 2luckyme123
wow. she IS an awsome relationship wizard...! cute! =D i luved it! :)

2/14/2010 c1 13fightforwhatilove
OMG! i loved the ending haha i thought it was amazing and i can soo see that happening haha

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