Just In
for The Devil Inside

10/31/2018 c2 apfeltorte
ok, if I ever thought I lived in a non-real world it was nothing compared to this trip of Jasper‘s... he’s having himself frail to the bone and in a mental hospital all by imagination but I do like it! It twists nicely and if you think you know whats going on you just don‘t. Fun to read! Thank you!
10/30/2018 c1 apfeltorte
The hell of a ride! My emotions are accelerating in all directions while reading A roller coaster mind ride, very nice!
10/7/2018 c3 Green Eyed Lana Lee
Please send Saving Bela to me if your still concerned about it being pulled.

Thank You!
10/7/2018 c2 Green Eyed Lana Lee
Yep, I'm confused because I don't know which is real and which are Jasper's dreams!

It's a fascinating tale even if I'm lost!
10/6/2018 c1 Green Eyed Lana Lee
WOW! I'm in shock because there was so much detail and Jasper awoke to learn he'd ben unconscious for three years!

Incredible chapter and I loved it!
8/4/2014 c3 12Jasper's Darlin' Kathy
Ooh will there be more to this story? I love what you wrote. You are an amazing writer!
8/4/2014 c2 Jasper's Darlin' Kathy
I'm still slightly speechless. I do love how you have Jasper living in two seperate realities. This is a great story!
8/4/2014 c1 Jasper's Darlin' Kathy
OMG! I am like speechless. I don't even know what to say except wow! I so was not expecting Jasper to wake up in a hospital. I love it though. It is very unique.
3/30/2014 c2 Robin.D
i loved it but i am confused as fuck LOL :-) :-) :-) :-)
3/30/2014 c1 Robin.D
oh wow poor Jasper :-( so was he with Bella or not or was it all a dream after Maria :-/ good chapter :):):):)
9/28/2012 c3 fanfic.lover.4.ever
Please tell me where to find the rest of this story as well as your other ones. I really love your stories and need to read the rest of them. Thank you!
6/26/2012 c3 6Mr. Shy Rockstar
Shit,, sorry your stories are getting pulled! I'd like this one in pdf at lawlietlynn at hotmail dot com
6/18/2012 c3 Princess Mishawaka
I will go to TWCS. You are amongst friends there. So many have transfered. I can't imagine writing a story with a censor on your shoulder. I can't imagine reading it either.
6/18/2012 c3 erika shoval
read your story in one day and you really impressed me.

You have to continue … please!
6/18/2012 c1 erika shoval
Sounds very interesting!

Really great story!
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